More than just high school years, this issue is also affecting random DLC Kits / packs, specifically Modern Men's wear as an example. I have purchased, in the last 2 weeks, the entire Sims 4 Library except the "Growing together cause I wont pay $40, it had gone off sale the day before. Regardless, I otherwise own every single other Possible Kit / pack / DLC of any type. I was playing and attempted to interact with the new Gallery update, I had just uploaded my house and the game had a crash. I attempted to use the "Clear Cache" and multiple repair attempts all failed on the High School and Modern Men's I can't remember the others. These attempts leave a message with a Download error, stating try again. After sever failed repair attempts I Uninstalled, went to the folders in Documents and the game install location. The uninstall had removed even the Folder Sims4, so nothing there, Deleted the Documents Sims 4 directory. Okay, so that would mean a Fresh Install... I get to Updates re slow... Repairs are painful, but when during a full fresh install for the SECOND attempt... I cried. Both failed on the modern men's, the second attempt I was base game one by one installing, most succeeded. I then waited to see if it was just that one causing the fuss... then High school and more tears... I on attempt 3 from a directory rehash... If this doesn't work it is not possible to be anyone but EA's fault.