[FIXED] Loading family just loads Map again
Update: If you are facing this issue after patch 1.24.102 (Oct 27th), please take a look to this thread.
Update: As this thread has been locked, a new version has been created here instead: http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4/ISSUE-Loading-family-just-loads-Map-again-PLEASE-READ-FIRST-POST/td-p/4672173
Please visit the new one as it will contain the latest information.
This problem isn't as much as a bug but a symptom of a problem that occurs in your game. The game tries to load the household and then hits a problem/corruption and can't load the lot because of that. It then bounces back to the world screen.
EA/Maxis has fixed a lot of causes for this since it first started happening but there's still issues around and causes need to be found. It could be something on the lot or a faulty Sim or object. You can either try troubleshooting yourself or upload your save game so EA/Maxis can take a look at it. They might find a cause and fix it in the next update.
Outdated mods are a major player in this so if you can't pinpoint your error to a specific save game, it's probably a mod.
An other issue with this is that once you have it in one household, it spreads to all others and also other save games if you don't close down the game completely. Going to the main menu will affect other save games.
So for troubleshooting, always close down your game and restart before trying something different.
Before posting please try the solutions below:
Issue with unfinished paintings/broken easel
- Close down your game
- Start your game and load the faulty save game
- Go to the family you have last played with and go straight to build mode
- Delete any easel/drawing tables including unfinished paintings
- Go back to map view
- Load your family
Issue with relationships
For this method which does take a lot of time, it's very important, that you close down your game each time you have the bug or if you have deleted Sims that don't need deleting. If you don't care about the households, you can leave them deleted of course.
- Close down your game
- Start your game and load the faulty save game
- Delete ALL households from your game via Manage world (yes, that may take a while)
- Go to the library and download use a Maxis single household to place in any home.
- Check if that household now loads. If this is the case, it's most probably a faulty relationship
- Close down your game again and then restart and reload the save game
- Go to manage world to narrow down the household. Start with the played Sims and delete them neighborhood by neighborhood. Try loading a family after deleting all families from one neighborhood. Close down the game and restart after each.
- Once you found the neighborhood the faulty family is in, you need to narrow down the family. Use the 50/50 method.
- Once you have found the family, narrow down the faulty Sim in it. Take them to CAS via Manage Household and determine the faulty one by deleting, again using the 50/50 method.
- Once you have narrowed down the faulty Sim, split him from your household and upload to your library.
- Delete the faulty one
- Load your remaining household and re-place him from the gallery. You can't reset the relationships but that might be possible with a cheat, didn't try.
There is a chance that the issue does not lie with the Sim but with an easel in that house. Use the method above in the house that faulty Sim lives to find out if deleting the easel also resolves the issue (without having to delete the Sim)
Issue with pictures of content you don't own
Taken from this post: /t5/The-Sims-4/ISSUE-Loading-family-just-loads-Map-again-Need-your-bugged-save/m-p/4614110#M46921
@veroUKfr wrote:
Temporary solution :
- Delete all cache (cache, cachestr and localthumbcache.package)
- From the map view place another lot on top of the one containing the outdoor retreat paintings
Then everything comes back to normal.
And you can place the lot with the paintings again, delete them, and then use the lot normally.
If none of the above help, try troubleshooting as below
- Try loading a backup.
- Make sure it's not an incompatible mod causing the issue for you.
- Repair the game or the packs as suggested by BartSimpson249
If you need help narrowing down the issue, zip this folder: documents\electronicarts\thesims4\saves and upload to mediafire or dropbox. Then post the the link. I can't promise to look at all of the but EA is still reading this thread and borked savegames help to reproduce the error.
If you are uploading your saves folder, please state which game you have issues with and which family doesn't load or what you're doing.
Instructions how to salvage your house and Sims if the game no longer works
You should still be able to uplaod to family/house to the gallery (or just save to your library) and put them in a new game (This might not work for the newest problem occurring)
Here's how:
- Click Manage Household
- Click on the families you want to save, choose Edit, add, remove Sims from thhe houshold in CAS
- Click on the Icon in the uppper right corner to save the family
- Click on save to library.
- Go back to the main menu
- Start a new game
- Load the Family from your library
- Place in a lot
- Put Origin in offline Mode (this is important)
- Start the game
- Load your save game
- Enter your house in build mode (this probably only works if your in offline mode)
- Save the lot to your library and place in a new game
Since this thread is getting way too long and has outdated information, I'm going to lock this
There's a new thread here: http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4/ISSUE-Loading-family-just-loads-Map-again-PLEASE-READ-FIRST-POST/m-p/4672173
Please all post there.