xingbell The iGPU was definitely not disabled when you ran the dxdiag. It's true that this kind of error (LiveKernelEvent 193) doesn't specify which driver crashed, but that's simply a limitation of dxdiags in general. You could find out which driver it is by analyzing the crash dump, of course. However, for someone who hasn't already figured out how to do that, it's easier to clean-uninstall and reinstall the graphics driver, or both drivers if you want to go that route.
If you would like to, the proper order of operations is remove the Nvidia driver (yes, even though you did already), remove the Intel driver, restart, reinstall the Intel driver, restart, reinstall the Nvidia driver, restart, all while your computer is offline.
This isn't an issue with Sims 4 in general, or there would be a lot more reports. I have seen an increase in graphics driver-related errors lately, but not more than the usual increase with the release of a new expansion, when many players come back to the game after a break.
And to be clear, this is the OS flagging a problem with the graphics driver, nothing internal to Sims 4. The game can trigger the error but should never do so absent a system issue.