xingbell There are lots of reasons a system issue could affect only one application. To name an obvious one, the game might use a specific version of a runtime (DirectX, .NET, VC++) that no other app uses, or that no other app uses in exactly the same way. The problem could then be the runtime, or a resource (like the graphics driver) that uses that runtime, or part of Windows that interacts with that runtime. It's difficult to diagnose without direct access to the system.
However, many errors are very clear even if the exact cause is not. BlueScreens and LiveKernelEvents often fall into this category in that they describe a specific fault. You don't need to know, for example, exactly why the graphics driver crashed to observe that it did, and you can start troubleshooting with the source of the problem narrowed down significantly.
Still, if you don't want to continue troubleshooting, that's entirely your choice.