kirstey08 For gaming laptops, something like this (the same model on two sites) should handle Sims 4 on ultra graphics settings as long as you don't pile on too much third-party content:
This is an alternative with a screen that's fine but not quite as good, but it's still a decent option:
This has the next-fastest graphics card, at least among currently-available options, which is not necessary for Sims 4 but might be nice to have:
This one is even faster, really overkill for Sims 4, and is the same model as the first one:
For non-gaming laptops, there's a range in price from what's good enough for medium-high graphics settings (usually starting around £450, with more options at £500) to models that can handle borderline ultra settings. I won't spend a lot of time on the former, since your budget can accommodate the latter, unless you let me know this is what you want; but in the interim, here's one example:
These laptops should handle high-ultra to ultra graphics settings. They're not in the same class as a laptop with an RTX 3050, but if you don't need the absolute best performance for your budget, they're a reasonable alternative:
This has the same processor and graphics card, but a high-quality, high-resolution screen:
These have the same and equivalent processors, respectively, and a smaller screen of the same quality:
There are other similar options out there for around the same price, but before doing a thorough search, I'd like to know what class of laptop you'd be interested in, that is if you decide not to go with a gaming laptop. There are many non-gaming laptops to list in your price range, so you can afford to be picky, but that also means there are far too many to list.
If you have more questions, about these or in general, please feel free to ask.