lighting is being weird in live mode
When building using glass roofs I noticed that the roof was not letting any light in, the lighting inside my greenhouse acts as if it is covered by a solid non glass roof, but only in live and live then build-buy mode. the windows on the side let light in as normal but the glass roof is not letting any light in so there are shadows in the centre of the room. I've fiddled with it for hours doing things such as gutting the greenhouse so its one room and empty, I've remade it in another world and another save and it still does it. I've even gotten rid of my mods and repaired the game to see if that did anything. i have my graphics up all the way and the shadows are working perfects, I can see the shadows from the individual panes of the glass roof but it does not let in actual light to light the room.
when I'm in build mode from manage worlds I do not have this problem with the lighting, switching from the two different mode changed the lighting and I cant figure out why. I have also changed the time and weather to see if that affects it and it does not.