Lost Game Progress
Hi. I'm having problems with The Sims 4. I tried contacting EA directly multiple times, but failed. The live chat seemed to malfunction on multiple occasions, so I opened another case and was advised to talk on the phone with EA. No phone number was provided and I can't find it online. So, here I am. I'm quite lost. If anyone could help, it would be very much appreciated!
I haven't played The Sims 4 online in a long time. I always played it offline (mostly to avoid dealing with updates). That's a poor choice, I'm sure. I always struggled with updates for The Sims and Origin, because no matter how many times Origin would say "origin updates are optimized - which means they're really fast!" or whatever, they would never be any different than they were in the past. I'm on a PC. A Lenovo ThinkPad, to be specific. I have Windows 10 as well. I always saved my games (of course) and saved my households and lots to my library within the game. Anyway, after finally deciding it was time to update, I attempted to go online in Origin. I couldn't get any of my games to open nor could I get Origin to update. So I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Keep in mind, I never backed up any of my saves. After it finally reinstalled, I had to reinstall and update my games. After a lengthy installation of The Sims 4 and the expansions that I own, it was finally ready to play. Or so I thought. I clicked on The Sims 4 and received an error message. I don't remember exactly what it said (another poor choice on my part for not taking a picture of it) but I couldn't figure out what to do so I went back into Origin, clicked on The Sims 4, clicked on the settings icon, and chose the "repair" option. This didn't take too long, which was nice. However, when I opened the game and went to go load one of my worlds, none of my worlds were there. So I figured maybe my saves were somehow deleted, which was upsetting, but isn't horrible because all my Sims and households are saved in my library, right? Nope. Those were all gone too. Now I was really starting to panic. So I tried to go with the flow and create a new household, hoping that if I created a household and bought a house and finished whatever tutorial there was that covered the new features, it would let me back into my other worlds. Of course that didn't work out either. So I went back into file explorer, and all my Sims 4 files had been replaced with new ones dated 3/22/2020 (the day all of this chaos was happening) and contained nothing except the new pointless household I had just made. And I can't seem to find my old files anywhere.
I don't know where I went wrong. Probably everything I did was wrong. I hope I explained this well and if anyone could help, that would be great. I've spent so much time and effort on this game and it would break my heart if that were all gone for good! ☹️