HELP! Sims 4 Get 2 Work REMOVED from my account!!!
I tried to load my current save, and got this error on the screen. And when looking at owned packs on the main screen, AND looking in purchase history- IT'S GONE!!! I immediately took screenshots of my remaining packs for my own backup in case this happens again.. I need to know how to file a complaint ticket or something to get this rectified immediately! I'm not buying that pack all over again and I can't use my saves until the pack is back in my owned packs! I can't finish the current event, and chances of me buying anymore packs isn't looking good.. And what really truly angers me, is I have ALSO bought packs for Xbox AND for my kid!!! I've been playing the Sims since '03 on VARIOUS DIFFERENT platforms/consoles. So they've gotten a LOT of my money over the years...sims 4 not opening
hi. since Thursday last week my game won't open. i have cleared the cache, tried the moving to desktop and it still won't open. I don't have any mods currently or add ons. the game won't open from the ea app either. it doesn't show on my task bar. opening from steam itll say running for about 10 seconds then it will stop. i haven't actually seen the loading screen since Thursday last week. I am worried about losing my saves lol I'll attach the dxdiag. I'm not very technically savvy. so apologies. thank you do i get ALL my packs to transfer over?
back story, i got a new laptop, because the other laptop i was using was my oms and i decided to get my own and i finally did. When i got it i downloaded steam and the EA app, and when i try to play the sims i can either only play with the DLC/packs i bought from EA or the ones i bought from steam and it keeps adding 2 of the sims 4 games to my home screen. How do i make it so i can have all my DLC/packs linked to one sims desktop shortcut/app? Why are my steam and EA accounts not "communicating" with each other to have all of my DLC?My gallery won’t load on the sims 4
As what I said above my gallery won’t load on the sims 4 for some reason. I have tried everything under the sun to get it to load, I have deleted and moved my files, reset my entire game, did the entire antivirus stuff deleted all my mods, and a multitude of other things. I’m just stuck and would love some help. Thank you!26Views0likes3CommentsYesterday's score has been reset
I played sims4 last night and this morning all the changes I made have been reset..strangely the event quest, wich I completed is still marked as 'completed'. All the changes I made to the Sims I played with and their house and status have been deleted. How can I get my content back? Has anyone had similar problems? What should I do?124Views0likes7Comments[CURRENT ISSUE] Sims 4 DLC shows as installed, won't load in-game
Overview jump to: I have the CAS Demo installed jump to: I don't have the Demo or I'm not sure whether I do jump to: I have a Steam or Epic install jump to: I'm lost/please help There is currently an issue with Sims 4 where newly installed packs won't load in-game. The cause is that the EA App installs these packs into the wrong folder. The App shows the affected packs as installed, but the game doesn't read their data. The most common cause is having the Sims 4 CAS Demo installed, but this can also happen if a computer somehow has two copies of Sims 4 itself installed. In both cases, the game is running from one folder but the pack data is in the other. The fix is to find the folder where the packs are being installed, remove or rename this folder, clear the EA App's cache, and download the missing packs again. I have the CAS Demo installed If you have the CAS Demo installed, it will likely be here: Look inside the folder for your missing packs, for example in this case, EP13 (Growing Together) and SP16 (Tiny Living) are installed into this folder: The quick fix, which works at least some of the time, is to move these folders into the folder for the Sims 4's program files. You can find the proper file location within the EA App: open your library, click the Sims 4 icon, select Manage > View properties, and you'll see the file path. The pack folders, in this case EP13 and SP16 , need to go inside this Sims 4 folder; you can simply drag and drop them, or cut and paste. Once you've moved the folders, clear the EA App's cache and repair the game: open your game library, click the Sims 4 icon, and select Manage > Repair. Then load the game and see whether the affected packs load. If this doesn't help, you can rename the CAS Demo folder; any new name or additional characters should suffice. Or, if you have no use for the CAS Demo anymore, you can simply uninstall it through the Windows control panel or Start menu. If you get an error when trying to uninstall the Demo, restart your computer. Alternately, open the Task Manager, find the EABackgroundService in the background processes list, right-click its name, and select End Task, then try again. If you've already moved the packs' folders to the proper Sims 4 folder and it didn't work, it's best to delete these, clear the EA App's cache, and download fresh copies. You can download them through Manage > Manage Add-ons. ↑ I don't have the CAS Demo/I'm not sure If you don't have the CAS Demo installed, or you're not sure whether you do, you can run a search for the missing pack(s). Open a File Explorer window, click This PC in the left panel, then enter the name of the folder for an affected pack in the search field in the upper-right corner. (See this article for a full list of pack folder names.) For example, if Growing Together isn't loading in-game, search for EP13: You can see here that the folder is inside the CAS Demo folder, but you may also find that you have two "The Sims 4" folders for other reasons; these guidelines apply in any case. You'll also see a folder inside __Installer\DLC, usually a folder inside Delta, and perhaps other files if the pack includes a new world. These can be ignored; the only result that matters is the one directly inside a folder with "Sims 4" in the name, as underlined in red. In contrast, this is the result when searching for a properly-installed pack, in this case EP05 (Seasons): Once you locate the folders for the missing packs, you can try moving them to the proper location, i.e. the location the EA App lists for the game's program files. Clear the EA App's cache and repair the game afterwards. You can find it by opening your game library, clicking the Sims 4 icon, and selecting Manage > View properties: If this doesn't fix the issue, you can rename or uninstall the CAS Demo, if you have it, or delete the secondary folder. (If you get an error, restart your computer, or open the Task Manager and kill the EABackgroundService.) If this doesn't help either, you may need to do a clean uninstall and reinstall of all Sims 4 content, minus your user folder, as well as the EA App. ↑ I have a Steam or Epic install If you've installed Sims 4 through Steam or Epic, but you at some point installed the game through the EA App, the App may be installing packs into an old Sims 4 folder rather than the one that Steam or Epic uses. Here again, the first step is to search for one of your missing packs. Open a File Explorer window, click This PC in the left panel, then enter the name of the folder for an affected pack in the search field in the upper-right corner. (See this article for a full list of pack folder names.) For example, if Growing Together isn't loading in-game, search for EP13: The only thing that matters here is the EP13 folder installed directly inside "The Sims 4": this is the pack itself, and it needs to be in the same location as the rest of the game data. You can see that above, however, EP13 itself is installed into an EA Games folder, even though other folders labeled EP13 are inside Delta and __Installer within the Steam install's folder. The fix here is to delete the "The Sims 4" folder inside C:\Program Files\EA Games, or wherever that extra folder is. (If you can't delete it, restart your computer, and make sure the EA App and EABackgroundService are NOT running in the Task Manager.) Then clear the EA App's cache, restart your computer, and install only the affected packs, not the base game, through the EA App. If this doesn't help, you'll need to do a clean uninstall and reinstall of Sims 4 and the EA App. Please see here for more details. ↑ I'm lost/please help If the above doesn't help, please see the accepted solution of this thread, which should appear immediately below this post. You can also run a search for one or two missing packs, as described above, and post screenshots of the results in this thread. If you do this, be sure to list the packs that aren't working and those, if any, that do show up in-game. ↑Solved52KViews16likes927CommentsExpansion No Longer Owned After Account Merge
I have attempted to reach out to support in all other ways I know how, so this is my last resort. I do not know why EA has made it so difficult to reach them for an issue that I most definitely cannot resolve without them. I recently merged my account with another that had nothing on it for the Sims 4; I merged it to get my Sims 3 content onto this main account. After the merge, I no longer own an expansion that I purchased; Discover University. I checked my purchase history and confirmed that I DID purchase it 12/28/19, but it is prompting me to purchase it again. Restarting the app, PC, reinstalling EA app, and doing the app recovery cache clear thing has done nothing. I am begging for help. I am locked out of all of my saves as they rely on the content from this expansion to even function.Solvedaccidentally deleted a ton of stuff
i was scrolling through my files on the Electric Arts document folder and i misclicked and then something deleted but I wasn't sure what. so then later i boot up The Sims 4 and none of my saves are there, and the game is acting like I'm playing for the first time. all of the packs are doing the "Welcome to Vintage Glamour!" type thing. and none of the stuff in my library was there either. I have gone to the "saves" folder and it was empty, and my saves weren't in my recently deleted, and I couldn't find them on OneDrive either. and I couldn't find my saves in the "Load Game" restore option either. I was on gen 4 of my legacy. and I don't know what I deleted but does anybody have any recommendations on what to do.