Thank you so much for your help! This means a lot to me.
I do have a 64 bit computer, thank goodness. However, I have never used OneDrive, so I think I am out of luck.
It's okay though, I've come to accept it. I think it'll all be okay and that I can make the fresh start work. I mean, obviously that's what I'll have to do. There's no other choice.
I'm so sorry you had to deal with that crash, that's horrible! I'm glad you're over it now, but I still feed bad about it. I hope you could create lots of new memories, not to replace the old ones but to make new ones that bring you more joy and happiness. And thank you again for your kindness, understanding, and patience. You're amazing! And I'm glad this fresh start on my Sims journey was aided by you.
I hope you have a lovely day and that you're safe and healthy! 🙂