Manage Worlds Unavailable
I have owned the Sims 4 for a few years now, but today when I tried to play after taking a few months long break from the game, the option to go to Manage Worlds is unavailable. The main screen only has the big play button, and that button only goes to Create a Sim (I own the full game by the way). In Create a Sim, the play button that is normally in the upper right corner is no where to be found, making it impossible to place my households into the worlds. When I hover over the Manage Worlds button in the menu, it is greyed out and says, "manage worlds not available in this mode."
Searching through similar issues on this site, I've come to realize no one else is having quite the same issue as me. See, most people can enter it by going into Create a Sim and then hitting play from there, but the play button doesn't exist in my Create a Sim. Someone said to right click the Sims 4 in Origin and hit Repair. I did this, yet the problem is still occurring. Does anyone at all know what could be happening to my game?
Ah, yes, also, I don't have any mods installed either, so that isn't the issue.
For your old game use the load button.
For CAS notice the button in the lower right.