Forum Discussion
hcldh59xgf5e I can't really make anything of lastcrash files. I'm sure there are people at EA who understand them, but those people aren't usually involved in individual troubleshooting.
In your case, let's force Sims 4 to use your dedicated graphics card all the time, if you haven't already. Right-click the desktop and select the Nvidia Control Panel, choose Manage 3D Settings > Program settings, find TS4_x64 on the list, and select the high-performance Nvidia processor. Repeat for TS4_Launcher_x64.
To be thorough, please also reinstall the 2022 VC++ runtimes, which Sims 4 uses. Hit Windows key-i, select Apps, scroll down to the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, click on any version from 2015 or later, and select Uninstall. Don't touch the older versions. You can download the newest runtimes directly from Microsoft:
You'll need both the x86 and x64 versions of the 2015-2022 runtimes, but you can skip the ARM version, which is for a different class of device. Restart your computer after installing and before trying to play.
Please first test one of the problem lots in a new save, so the same lot but whatever EA placed there by default. If that's fine, you can test a saved build of yours, or the same lot in one of your existing saves, whichever you prefer.
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