11 years agoMy Sims wont eat
I dont know whats going on with my sims they wont eat nothing, they will cook the food but wont eat it
Try repairing your game by right clicking on the game in Origin and choose repair game.
I dont know whats going on with my sims they wont eat nothing, they will cook the food but wont eat it
Try repairing your game by right clicking on the game in Origin and choose repair game.
Why ? What happnes ? Are you using mods in your game ?
Everytime i click on the food my sims will ignore it and they are starving too. Like they wont eat nothing at all just starve to death.
Are you using mods ?
my sims will eat quick meals but they cant cook it just spends the money to cook the food but they wont cook it
Could you start a new game for testing purposes to see if you have the same issue there.
Did you try going travleing and/or move your Sims out and back in ?
I have the same problem as CrimsonTide5o8 !
Since the update of the 4th (february), they can eat but won't cook ! I pay the price but they don't do anything !
I tried to move out and in, I tried to make them move, I don't know what to do !
Try repairing your game by right clicking on the game in Origin and choose repair game.
It worked !! You're my Hero !! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/