Forum Discussion

RavenKnight918's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 hours ago

No Faith

I have no faith that you will actually fix this, or anything for that matter, but I have the same problems that pretty much everyone else does.  I play the game and as soon as I go into build/buy mode and come back out.. it doesn't work.  No bar at the bottom.  No interaction capability.  Zero.  I had a TINY amt that today's patch might actually address it but in reality I knew it wouldn't.  Also... I just can't leave my lot.  If I do.... no interaction bar.  No way to play.  Unplayable.. for weeks.  So I'm reporting it and hoping that whenever it gets done it gets done.  I'm not sure why I'm bothering, but I guess hope springs eternal.  What are you going to do for all the people who can't play the Reaper thing? Mostly I just give up after a few minutes and go to a game that works.

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