15 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
prt sc/outside screenshot not working after patch
c hotkey screenshots in game work fine but using prt sc/windows key shift s pulls me out of the game and doesn't bring up the usual screenshot window unless i press it again, and at that point i'm ou...
- 4 days ago
kadasco For the screenshots issue, does it help to play in "windowed fullscreen" (i.e. Borderless) mode, or standard windowed mode? Does it help to switch to DirectX 9 mode? What about clicking shift-S first, so that the Windows key is the last one you press? It shouldn't make a difference, but perhaps it does in this case, particularly in the still-not-perfected DirectX 11 mode.
For the issue with taking time off, please use this master bug thread:
Vacation time - No option to take time off | EA Forums - 5018745