Forum Discussion
JyNxYmIsTy This is another access violation, still too generic to help here (when mods aren't involved, at least). But try playing in DirectX 11 mode. If you've switched to DX9 mode within the game settings, uncheck that box again. If you've switched through the EA App, remove the -dx9 command line argument under Sims 4 > Manage > View properties.
If that doesn't help, I'd suggest doing a clean uninstall and reinstall of Sims 4. Instructions are in the accepted solution of this thread:
[CURRENT ISSUE] Sims 4 DLC shows as installed, won't load in-game | EA Forums - 11831673
Anchors don't work on this site at the moment, so use ctrl-F to search for revo and jump to the relevant section. The thread itself is for a different issue, but the uninstall process is the same.
ObanTheForg geminic0528 Please create your own threads in the PC tech section describing your issue and listing the troubleshooting steps you've taken so far. The first one would be a clean user folder: move the entire Sims 4 folder out of Documents > Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, and try to play with no added content.
Please also attach a dxdiag to your post, as described earlier in this thread.
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