Forum Discussion
I'm from Poland and when I first bought the Sims 4 when they came out, they were only selling it in 3 language versions in our region - Polish, Czech, and Russian. Couple years later I specifically bought a code of another version of the game so that I could play in English.
In the Origin app (which I dearly miss) I could see two versions of the game, yet I had no issues in installing and playing he English version for years.
Today I tried to repair my game as after downloading For Rent pack, it turned out to be all bugged, no item had any description, new actions were just blanks, it was unplayable. Much to my surprise, after repairing the game it was suddenly in Czech... I uninstalled the game to reinstall it all over again in English, but it seems that version of my game is all gone.
I feel lost as I really wanted to play the English version, specifically bought it, and now it's just gone, and I'm left with Polish. I cannot buy (or actually get the game that is now free) once again cause EA app does not allow to delete a game that was once bought...
Did anyone have a similar issue? Is there any solution or am I just left with the Polish version cause EA hates its customers?
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