5 years ago
Sims Taking ALL My Space
Hi Guys, I play the Sims 4 and I have Seasons, City Living, Cats & Dogs and Get Famous. My computer I use has 118gb, and 29gb left. The ONLY game installed on it is the Sims. I have lots of custom ...
- 5 years ago
SSD = Solid State Drive. The drive where everything is stored. It could have been a normal HDD but the size is pretty much a tell for an SSD commonly used in laptops not intended for gaming.
The Sims 4 does not take up 89 GB but around 50GB with all packs. However you have other things on there such as Windows 10 and other programs you use. You looked at the total used and falsely assumed that only The Sims 4 took up space. That is not the case everything installed takes up space starting with Windows itself taking up around 16 GB. If you click on Start you can see a list of what else you have installed. So in short if you want other games you need a bigger drive at least if it is big games like The Sims 4.