Unable to load saves
Hey Peoples,
I keep having some big problems with my sims 4. I think this started when the 3rd week of the grim reward event. wich i at first could participate in but later i couldnt anymore. the quest just dont show up.
But theres a bigger problem, every save i play will break. I can play it for one or two times and after that if i try to load it, it wont. The game gets stuck on the loadingscreen and the sims will work very hard (uses over 50 procent of my cpu) but it wont lead to anything and i have to close the game in tastmanager. I can recover a save and play once, but the next time i start it it will just do the same thing.
so far i have:
deleted all my old saves
repaired the game
removed all the mods
turned off mods in the menu
uninstalled the whole game
installed it again
this is still happening. How do i fix it?
@Desiree5678 For the missing Reaper's Rewards event tasks, try deleting accountDataDB.package, in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4.
For the lots that won't load, do they use the Off the Grid challenge? If so, that's the problem, and you'll need to remove it. You can choose Load Game rather than Resume, then load the lot in Build mode through Manage Worlds.