The number in the game ends on DX9 so I guess I am playing on DX9.
Here is a part of my config.cog. I have pasted the part about GPU but also the part below which does menstion NVidia
=== Application info ===
Name: Sims4
Build: Release DX9 64-bit
=== Rating info ===
GPU: 5 GPU Memory: 4 CPU: 4 RAM: 4 CPU Speed: 2803 Threading: 3
Adjusted CPU: 4005 RAM: 16163 Adjusted RAM: 15651 Cores: 4
A bit lower in the same file it does mention my grafics card
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): NVIDIA GeForce MX450
Name (database): NVIDIA GeForce MX450 [Found: 1, Supported: 1]
Vendor: NVIDIA
Chipset: Vendor: 10de, Device: 1f97, Board: 14651025, Chipset: 00a1
Driver: nvldumdx.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B71E3E-5CD7-11CF-CD65-6B341BC2D635
Driver version: 5720
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Texture memory: 2020MB
Vertex program: 3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Hardware TnL: 1
Opt. features: +sab +a8l8 +rgba16f +r32f +bc4 +bc5 -rawz +intz
Is there a way to change this to DX11?