Forum Discussion

Julyvee94's avatar
9 years ago

A Quick Guide to SimLit - Sims Story FAQ

It pains me that I have to say this, but this is NOT the thread to advertise your story. Please refrain from doing so, so that new writer's questions don't get lost. Some places to advertise are mentioned under question 13. Thank you!

If you are new to SimLit and this part of the Sims Forums, you might have a lot of questions. What is SimLit? How do I do it? While there are no clear right and wrongs on SimLit, this guide tries to explain a bit of the adventure to you and give you a few opinions on popular questions. Just remember that these are by no means „rules“ that you must adhere to. This guide merely offers a few opinions and explanations. In the end, it's all your choice. You can do whatever you want with your SimLit and no one will call you out on it. Also note that this is a guide to the concept of SimLit, not for creative writing. I hope that you will find this guide helpful and that you will share your SimLit story with us soon!

Topics covered in this guide are the following:
Useful and interesting threads

SimLit FAQ

The questions discussed in this post (and the next) are the following:
1) What is SimLit?
2) How do I post stories?
3) How do I post pictures on this forum?
4) Which blog should I use?
5) Do I write first and then screenshot or the other way around?
6) How do I get the perfect screenshots for plot-driven SimLit?
7) How long should my posts be?
8) How many chapters should my story have?
9) How often should I update?
10) How do I stay motivated?
11) How do I edit my screenshots?
12) How do I make a signature/banner?
13) How do I best advertise/promote my story?

What is SimLit?
SimLit is an abbreviation for Sims Literature, meaning written stories about your sims! SimLit usually includes your creative writing as well as screenshots of your sims. Many sims stories are based on challenges for The Sims, which challenge you to change your style of gameplay. But there are a lot of stories which are not based on challenges as well! If you need a few examples just browse the threads in this forum, you'll find plenty! Or check out @mastressalita's Story Index for an (alsmost) exhaustive and expertly maintained list of Sims Stories. SimLit comes in many different forms and can be posted in various ways. For more on that, check out the questions below.

How do I post stories?
There's no right or wrong way to post stories, but usually it's done in one of two ways. You can decide for yourself which one you prefer.

  • Post your story directly to the forums. Create a new thread in either this forum or the general „Stories and Legacies“ section and post your writing and screenshots in that thread. Forum posted stories have the advantage that readers don't have to take another step (clicking a link etc.) to read your story and it's easier for people who aren't comfortable with setting up a blog. A disadvantage of forum-posted stories is that once you get more comments and pages, finding your story updates can be tedious for new readers as they will have to do a lot of scrolling. Also, if you have multiple updates with a lot of pictures on one page, it will take some time to load before a reader can check out your new update. You will also need to be a full member to post forum stories with pictures (See below on how to post pictures).
  • Post your story on a blog and link to it on the forums (see below on which blog to use). People who post their stories on blogs usually also create a forum thread and post links to their blog updates to keep readers informed. An advantage of having a blog is that you can easily set up a table of contents and link from one chapter to the next, which makes it easier for new readers to overview and read your story. Another advantage is, that you don't have to be a full member on this forum to post your blog updates. Simply remove the „http://www.“ from a link and you can post it, even as a new member. A disadvantage is that readers will have to take another step (=click a link) to access your story updates.

How do I post pictures on this forum?
To post pictures on this forum you must be a full member. Check outEnable Advanced/Debug Cheat Interactions Mod which, among many other things, allows you to directly manipulate your sims' emotions with one click, versus having to type out long cheat-commands. This will allow you to get the right facial expressions and idling animations for whatever feeling you need your character to convey.

The second is the pose player. This allows you to make your sim perform any in-game animation (including idling ones!) at your will. All you need to do is install the mod and download the list of animations. Then, use the search feature (control+F, if you're on a PC) within the pose document to find whatever pose you're looking for, and copy and paste its name into the pose player. The only poses that do not work are seated ones. Otherwise, this mod is an incredibly useful tool for setting up the perfect shot!"
(Also check out this video where she talks about how to set up screenshots and use the pose player and this video about advanced screenshotting tips)
(Also check out this page from the offical sims blog that collects a few tips on screenshotting)

Note: The Advanced Debug Cheat Mod works for games in English language only.

How long should my posts be?
Again, this is something that you must decide for yourself. Choose a length which feels comfortable to you. You shouldn't stress yourself to meet a certain wordcount but also don't feel the need to restrain yourself if you are on a creative roll. Your writing will reflect it! If you want a more detailed opinion on chapter length,
@CharmingMaruska says:
„The popular answer to this questions is: post can be of various lenght and whatever feels right to you is fine. Which is, of course, very true and I fully support it. But I think unexperienced writers sometimes don't 'feel' when it's time to end the chapter, so that advice can be a little tricky (it would be for me, at least.)
So are are a few ideas of mine:
I think that, especially in the beginning, it's better to have shorter chapters to 'lure' readers. Speaking of my experience as a SimLit reader and a very busy person, I prefer shorter chapters with more screenshots, simply because I don't have enough time to read through long texts - so I sometimes abandon a great story because of it. However, once the story unfolds and reader are interested in the plot and your characters, you can get to longer, wordy chapters.
So in my opinion, 800-1500 words is optimal for me as a reader. It's possible, though, that this only works for legacies and other game-driven stories. But I also think no one should hold back - if you have a lot to say, say it! I mean, if you have a super-interesting backstory for your founder ready or a dramatic introduction or a unique approach/character, it can be even 5000+ words and people would still get hooked, I believe.“

@ra3rei says:
"Posts could either be as long as a single scene, or a series of smaller scenes that create an arc or chapter so it's hard to say. That being said, I usually aim for 1500-2000 words for longer story driven works. If I'm writing more off the cuff and conversational then I aim for 1000. I've seen and enjoyed longer works, but I find I often have a natural post "end" at those points."

@Jes2G says:
"Posts should be as many words as it takes to say what you need to say whether it is 50 words or 2000! I don't believe in limiting one's self or having quotas. I've had chapters with less than 100 words and chapters with 3000 or more words. I try not to have too many long posts as I know a lot of people including myself can't handle the long ones. But some people love the long ones. I never had a long chapter for the sake of it being long. There's always action going on or some heavy drama. I bet most times people don't even realize the chapter was that long--I hope lol."

@pammiechick says:
"I honestly don't think length matters, it's how you're moving the plot forward or pace that matters. If you're too wordy and not saying much or not much happened for a lot of words, the pace is too slow and you'll lose readers."

How many chapters should my story have?
@Blackrain95 says:
"However many it takes to tell your story. Never should you limit yourself to only a certain amount of chapters or words unless its a writing challenge you took on to test yourself. If you feel in 20 chapters you were able to tell your story to the fullest of your ability, then congratulations! You finished a story, a generation, or entire legacy and that something to be proud of! Writing is a boundless hobby, so don't create any for the sake of what you think is right."

@CharmingMaruska says:
"This depends on what kind of story you write.
For legacies (and possibly for neighborhood rotations, too) there's no limit - just write as many chapters as you need to get through it. It's infinite. For other stories, again - I prefer less. Sometimes, when I see a non-legacy serious story with hundred of chapters, I feel intimidated and it looks like so much work to me, that I decide not to read it at all. (I'm a terrible lazy person, I'm sorry. I know I'm missing out.) On the other hand, the second I fall in love with the writing, I just want more, more, more of it. So it's really hard to tell.
But again, while shorter stories can be slightly more attractive even after they are finished (this is again based solely on my personal preference - shorter stories are easier to read through in one or two sessions and my prefered reading style is to read it all at once), I believe that no one should be holding back with the creative process. If your story simply asks for more chapters, if it grew bigger and more complicated with time, if you feel the need to explore certain themes and characters - I would say, go for it!"

How often should I update?
This again, is of course a matter of taste. Some people update daily, some weekly and some on more irregular schedules. The general guideline is to update whenever you feel comfortable. Don't pressure yourself, your readers will understand whatever approach you choose. If having an update schedule (fixed days of the week when you update) helps motivating you, you should give it a try, but always consider this:

@JoieWilder says:
"Making an update schedule is difficult and sticking to it is even more so. Though it is important to keep in mind that readers appreciate having a regular schedule that they can count on, as the writer, you need to do what best fits your schedule. If you miss an update or two, it’s okay. Your readers will understand. They will even understand if you go on hiatus for a while – they all have real lives too.

However, if you really want to keep up with a schedule, you should take into consideration your real life needs and the needs of your story. You don’t want to set a pace that you can’t keep up with; readers love daily updates, but those aren’t always feasible for the writer. For my main story, the Thoreau Legacy, I like to update three to four times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and an option for Sunday). But sometimes if I can get ahead or want to keep a particular plot arc together, I will move to daily updates for a week before returning to my regular schedule. I have another story that posts twice a week and a third that posts just once a week; that lets me keep my focus on the legacy and my real life responsibilities.

Above all, do what best suits you."

@ra3rei says:
"I prefer posts weekly when reading. More than that and I stuggle to keep up with my busy life. Less than that and I forget to check back in. If do prefer a schedule when possible, or at least a place I know I can go to see when updates occur if it's irregular."