"LissyK9;c-17263451" wrote:
@SimTrippy I have been playing the beta all week, and I've never played Planet Coaster. I've seen other people say that the building system is the same as in Planet Coaster, but I can't confirm that. :p All I know is that every habitat I build looks decent at the least and very nice at the best, and it's satisfying for me. If you watch Youtubers, Geekism has been doing a very in-depth coverage of Planet Zoo, and I know he did Planco videos in the past too.
Thanks for the suggestion! :D
Well, let me tell you, PC has no fencing tool like the one right at the start of this video:
In fact fencing anything like it would be a painstaking, time-consuming endeavor:sweat_smile:
So I'm VERY happy to see this!!! I still wish they could give us this in Planet Coaster as well, cause stuff like that is just *really* annoying to do.
But yeah, other than that, it looks largely the same xD Especially the pathing.
ETA: thanks again for the suggestion - glad to see I was right about the fencing and the many other improvements we'll see in Planet Zoo!