Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
2 years ago

Warning: Sims Games Deleted with Inactive EA account?

Oh dear. I can’t personally confirm this testimonial with a Sims player that was posted on the Sims reddit. Poster claims her games were deleted after she did not log into her EA account for a while due to an IRL pregnancy. If true, make sure you login to your EA account regularly!

  • Good to know they're not deleting peoples' accounts, BUT:

    Locking someone out of being able to access their purchased goods due to inactivity after 'x' amount of time is still an unacceptable policy. It's a lazy policy guised as 'security protocol'. Nothing more, nothing less.

    We all know how much of a nightmare it is trying to chase down customer service these days: Sometimes you luck out and get help within a few hours, and sometimes you're on a wild goose chase for days/weeks. Customers should not have to jump through hoops to get access to their personal property... no matter if they haven't logged in for 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years. Period.

    I have games installed on my computer that I haven't played in years, but with the simple click of a mouse I'm able to play any of those games if and when the mood strikes.... without the need to have to explain myself to some stranger (employee) of the company I purchased my product(s) from years prior.

    This does not bode well for the future of Sims games. Not well at all.
  • EA_Cade's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    Hey all,

    Closing this one down as it's devolved into several rule violations.

    It would appear to me that the person in these screenshots has not logged into their account for a lengthy period of time which triggered it to be locked to protect their information, EA does not delete accounts. If I were a betting man, I would say that this person has also forgotten their login information, hence our support staff being unable to locate the account to restore her access to it.

    I can't prove any of this, it's just my educated guess having been in "the game" for a the better part of a decade before I was on these forums.
  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    Thank Goodness that I never lost my Sims 3 do to "security" reasons on EA App. :o I still have my precious old game even though I had to uninstall it due to my old Computer memory. :'( I had to chose either my Sims 3 or Sims 4. So naturally I chose my Sims 4 to keep on my Computer because I've invested over 8 & a half years to it, plus I have my beloved different timeline Game Saves to protect. o:) My poor old Sims 3 only had bins. :(
  • Anonymous's avatar
    In the past I’ve also had issues with the email code authentication not arriving in my inbox
  • @EA_Cade Just asking because I hadn't played for some time and then Microsoft informed me that files had been deleted from my OneDrive account. I hadn't given any permission for that and took them out of the recycle bin. They all were Sims 4 game files. I tried to put them back but that didn't work so I've only got game files from mid of June 2022 now. Very annoyed with Microsoft who keep clearing out files out themselves if you haven't used them for some time. They were taking upon themselves to save everything to OneDrive when I had Microsoft Office.
    . I had had to start up the game with the EA App after using Origin since it started.