@HockeyJen1027 Getting fixed is a hard one to answer. If one device works and one does not, in most cases it isn't the game or it would be that way for everyone on that device. Since not every device is the same, there are too many factors to say it is the game vs the device.
If the device is supported and let's say you reformatted that device, it may end up working. However, there could be something on the device: setting, update, no update, OS out of date, driver versions, etc causing the issue.
It could also be an outdated password, billing information that does not match for some reason on the old device, or one of the apps that make the purchase is out of date.
We cannot say yes or no this will be fixed because it isn't that simple. That has to be tested. We cannot suggest reformatting your device, but these are the factors when you cannot make a purchase on one device but can on another.