"redmatch1;c-2143980" wrote:
yet you defend it at the cost of the game entirely.
you must be delusional to think this is fair and a good business step.
increasing the price 2 to 300% and also expect countries with lesser economies to pay US prices.
And to top it off during a pandemic with tens of millions of people becoming unemployed everywhere.
@EE_Elephterion I still dont understand why you snitched on the Argentina funds thing.
What on earth do you gain from it?
Other than more time once EA pulls this project down and away from Envision.
This sentiment appears to be the common message among those complaining, yet every single one of you have it backwards. The original intent was to offer varying costs to different impoverished countries. Unfortunately, players from the rest of the world figured it out and used it to cheat with. Gaining 400% strength advantage over everyone else by taking advantage of a technological hack to steal funds from Envision and EA. This F2P platform costs money and that expense is determined by EE and EA, not you or any other player.
@EE_Elephterion didn't snitch, he reported ongoing theft of funds, deep into 5 figures annually. He did his gd job. Looters robbing the store blind have no rights of any kind, the EE development staff and EA have made this crystal clear by forcing a single global pricing model. EA does not have the authority to kill anything owned by EE.
If the game is too expensive for you or anyone else, stop playing. Whine and complain to EA that you can't rob their store blind anymore, I'm sure it will receive the attention it deserves.