6 years ago
Superweapon of mass destruction
I didn't have a better idea for the name, but its more of a generic name.
The super weapon that I propose of is a combination of both the Ion Cannon and the Nuclear Missile. Only the leader of the 1st rank alliance can access and fire it, it has a cool down of a week in between fires and at the start of the world, has said cool down. It can only be accessed by selecting your base (if you are the CiC and your alliance is 1st place) and clicking on the super weapons tab.
The ownership of this super weapon transfers from alliance to alliance as the alliance rankings shuffle. What this super weapon does is annihilate all bases that are neither the owner's alliance or its allies. It will eliminate forgotten bases, other alliances that are NAP's, enemies or not associated with the alliance in question.
It does so by firing a beefed up version of the Ion Cannon from the selected base and towards the end of a cone. The cone is 1/6th of a circle, and the circle is the maximum distance a base can move if said base was destroyed. All bases, outposts and camps are instantly annihilated, with their combined loot distributed between all member's bases. To prevent loss of power, 1/5th of all resources (Tiberium, Crystal, Research Points and Credits) are converted directly into power.
With such super weapon, it is possible to reach the center in a regular world in 2/3rd's the entire time it takes to reach the center.
Take not that this suggestion is not meant to be taken literally! Otherwise its too OP and would give the lead alliance a boost in score and distance that would prevent other alliances from catching up. Its more meant for comic relief (Look at all those scorched forgotten faces).
This idea of mine is meant to be so OP, that the developers may as well laugh at the suggestion, as it turns any world into a piece of cake. This however can be implemented into the PTE if they find it useful.
The super weapon that I propose of is a combination of both the Ion Cannon and the Nuclear Missile. Only the leader of the 1st rank alliance can access and fire it, it has a cool down of a week in between fires and at the start of the world, has said cool down. It can only be accessed by selecting your base (if you are the CiC and your alliance is 1st place) and clicking on the super weapons tab.
The ownership of this super weapon transfers from alliance to alliance as the alliance rankings shuffle. What this super weapon does is annihilate all bases that are neither the owner's alliance or its allies. It will eliminate forgotten bases, other alliances that are NAP's, enemies or not associated with the alliance in question.
It does so by firing a beefed up version of the Ion Cannon from the selected base and towards the end of a cone. The cone is 1/6th of a circle, and the circle is the maximum distance a base can move if said base was destroyed. All bases, outposts and camps are instantly annihilated, with their combined loot distributed between all member's bases. To prevent loss of power, 1/5th of all resources (Tiberium, Crystal, Research Points and Credits) are converted directly into power.
With such super weapon, it is possible to reach the center in a regular world in 2/3rd's the entire time it takes to reach the center.
Take not that this suggestion is not meant to be taken literally! Otherwise its too OP and would give the lead alliance a boost in score and distance that would prevent other alliances from catching up. Its more meant for comic relief (Look at all those scorched forgotten faces).
This idea of mine is meant to be so OP, that the developers may as well laugh at the suggestion, as it turns any world into a piece of cake. This however can be implemented into the PTE if they find it useful.