I finally got their main support people to call me, and complained about the 3 weeks I have still not heard anything from EA's account dispute. They told me there was a chargeback on my account and told me to verify it.
Couple of problems with that EA:
I got my codes through Amazon. I didn't buy through origin because of this very **bleep** right here. Amazon has no records of a charge back.
My bank also has no records of a chargeback and i have not recieved a refund for the amount I spent.
I talked to customer support again, and told them that no charge back exists.
They tell me the 3 week delay is them waiting for the 3rd party (amazon) to contact them about the chargeback. Amazon WON'T CONTACT EA BECAUSE NO CHARGEBACK EXISTS.
I'm now firmly convinced this is just a ploy by EA to pocket some cash for free, because I don't have the money, and I'm blocked from my games because of a non-existant chargeback.