7 years ago
A Simpsons Christmas Special: Prizes Walkthrough
Angelic Fury Pt. 1
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: Greetings! I come to you from on high, with heavenly blessings and a message of hope for all true--
Homer: Next house over. You want Flanders, right?
Angel Lisa: Uh... right. 744 Evergreen Terrace?
Homer: This is 742.
Angel Lisa: Oh, my bad. Sorry about--
Homer: *slams door in angel's face*
Angel Lisa: *walks next door* Ned Flanders?
Ned: *shrieks* *speaks in tongues* *faints* *wakes* *shrieks* *faints again*
Angel Lisa: Hoo boy.
Task: Make Angel Lisa Try to Restore Order
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House or Brown House
Task: Make Flanders Speak in Tongues
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House or Brown House
Ned: Forgive me, heavenly angel! I'm not worthy of this visit!
Angel Lisa: Oh, please. If anything, you're overqualified. You could loosen up a bit, morally speaking, and still be a five-star candidate.
Angel Lisa: Seriously, we've had to relax heavenly standards a ton these days. Take advantage. Live a little.
Ned: I'm getting lifestyle advice from one of the Lord's own! *begins speaking in tongues*
Angel Lisa: *sigh* Know what? I'm gonna get a bite to eat while you settle down. See you in an hour.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Angelic Fury Pt. 2
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: We have a lot of work to do, Ned. You five by five?
Ned: *still speaking in tongues*
Angel Lisa: *sigh* I hate to do this, but you give me no choice. *slap*
Ned: I just had the best idea for a TV show. I call it, “Slapped by an Angel.”
Angel Lisa: Great. I'll talk to the man upstairs about greasing the wheels with the network.
Angel Lisa: Listen, I need you to tell me everything about the people of this town. Specifically, I need dirt.
Ned: I hate to be a Loose-Lipped Larry about my friends and neighbors, but if heaven wills it...
Task: Make Angel Lisa Get the Dirt on Springfield
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House or Brown House
On job start:
Ned: Let me first say how much I love and respect my neighbors and all the good they bring into my life.
Angel Lisa: Uh huh. Get to the dirt.
Ned: I've always said it -- there's nowhere I'd rather be than Springfield!
Angel Lisa: Tell you what. I'm going to say some stuff, and if you disagree with any of it, raise your right hand.
Angel Lisa: Springfield is chock full of the most selfish, thoughtless, bizarre, greedy, inconsiderate heathens around. They need a swift kick in the backside, every one. Right?
Ned: *remains perfectly motionless*
Angel Lisa: Gotcha.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Angelic Fury Pt. 3
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: Now that I have a more accurate picture of Springfield, I'm ready to dish out some custom-made proclamations.
Ned: Before you fly off, could I get a photo of you with the boys?
Angel Lisa: *sigh* Sure. Quick, though, okay? Time is short.
Ned: I never know whether to set the flash on “auto” or what. Let me think, let me think, let me think...
Angel Lisa: Know what? Angels can't be photographed. I forgot to mention -- we're like vampires that way. So... see ya.
Task: Make Angel Lisa Give Proclamations on High
Time: 4h
On job start:
Angel Lisa: People of Springfield, harken to my words!
Rev. Lovejoy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Any communiqués from above are supposed to go through me.
Angel Lisa: Yeah, well, I'm not exactly a Presbylutheran.
Rev. Lovejoy: Really? I always suspected we might not be the true faith. Too laissez-faire. Not enough damnation and holy vengeance.
Rev. Lovejoy: Okay, so what church ARE you from?
Angel Lisa: I am from no one faith. Yet I represent them all. For all is one in God's eyes.
Rev. Lovejoy: *fake sneeze* Cop out!
Angel Lisa: What did you say?
Rev. Lovejoy: Nothing. *whistles innocently*
Angel Lisa: Please, just listen! They'll be time for questions and comments after I finish proclaiming.
Homer: What's happening here? Is this some church thing? I gave last month.
Angel Lisa: I'm not asking for money.
Homer: Good. Because I don't have any on me.
Angel Lisa: You have forty-eight dollars in your wallet. But that's not important. Will you people just listen for five minutes, please?
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Angelic Fury Pt. 4
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: Hear my words! “God grant me the serenity to--”
Homer: If we're asking God for ANYTHING, I think number one should be turning every drop of water in town into wine.
Ned: *laughs uneasily* Homer, that's a thing that Jesus does. They're different people, you know.
Moe: Plus, if we had no water, I think we'd die, right?
Homer: Yeah, but what a way to go!
Angel Lisa: Can we get serious, for a moment. PLEASE?!
Homer: It's just a thought. I have a TON of great ways to put God to work around here. For example...
Task: Make Angel Lisa Offer Up a Prayer for Patience
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House or Brown House
Angel Lisa: *exhales deeply* Those meditation classes the apostles recommended really help with my anger management. Now then--
Homer: If God really is all powerful, then how come vegetables don't taste like meat?
Ned: Homer, we don't question the will of--
Homer: Either make them good-tasting, or give us taste buds that THINK they're good-tasting. There. I've given Him two easy outs.
Homer: Take your pick, God. I'm waiting...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Angelic Fury Pt. 5
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: Ladies and gentlemen, do you know how desperately most people wish an angel would appear before them?
Angel Lisa: Just so they could KNOW what to believe, instead of having to rely on faith?
Angel Lisa: Do you know how lucky you are?
Angel Lisa: That does it!
Task: Make Angel Lisa Deliver Divine Judgment
Time: 12h
Angel Lisa: *exhales deeply* I feel much better. A little smiting really brightens the day.
Ned: *rolling on the ground speaking in tongues*
Homer: *in a state of shock*
Angel Lisa: *snaps fingers* Come on you two, that wasn't even me at my worst.
Angel Lisa: *sighs* Oh forget it. I'll just tell the man upstairs that everyone was too busy with church and charity to hear anything I said.
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Christmas Fair Booth
Auto starts
Marge: *ooh* A Christmas Fair! Come on Homie, let's have a look!
Homer: Marge. You know I super-love Christmas. But I did the mandatory thing where we decorate the house, and the mandatory thing where we shop for the kids...
Homer: ...and the mandatory thing where we go to a party and I hang with your friends and act like I care...
Homer: And now I need to celebrate Homer Christmas.
Marge: What's Homer Christmas?
Homer: It's where I turn on the TV, and watch whatever sports teams have been forced by their billionaire owners to work on Christmas.
Homer: It's quiet, it's alone, and it's all Daddy's.
Marge: Know what? That makes sense! Homer Simpson, you're off duty! I'm going to the booth!
Task: Tap the Christmas Fair Booth
Marge: Homer! Are you having a good Homer Christmas?
Homer: I am. I truly am. I watched LeBron James have to work on a day that I get off, and it was wonderful.
Marge: And I hope it made him miserable, and made you feel superior.
Homer: Yes on both counts, my love. On both counts.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Christmas Pageant Stage
Auto starts
Lisa: Mom, I'm scared. What if I don't want to perform ballet in front of all these people?
Marge: Then don't, sweetie.
Lisa: Really, Mom? It's okay?
Marge: Of course! I think it's generous of you to step aside and let Janey have the spotlight.
Marge: Who knows? This could be just the confidence boost she needs to become all she can be.
Marge: Next thing you know, she'll find her voice, and start speaking up in class...
Marge: ...and soon, she'll have highest grades in Springfield Elementary Grade 2!
Lisa: Get out of the way!!! Tonight, I dance!!!
Task: Make Lisa Dance On Stage
Time: 8h
Location: Pageant Stage
Lisa: Mom, I did it! I really did it!
Marge: I knew you would.
Marge: All it took was a little dollop of the kind of psychological torture only a mom can deliver!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Festive Carolers
Auto starts
Helen Lovejoy: *shhh* Listen up, all!
Helen Lovejoy: It is imperative we uphold the honor of the Neighborhood Association by doing the best door-to-door caroling this town has ever seen!
Helen Lovejoy: But first things first, we need to arrange your bodies in the most visually pleasing way we can.
Task: Tap Festive Carolers
Helen Lovejoy: Hmm. You're all different heights. It's very disconcerting.
Helen Lovejoy: You there, hunch. And you, stand on tiptoes. And you... you just go home.
Helen Lovejoy: Perfect. Now just do this every time we get to a new door and ring the doorbell.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 1
Deep Freeze starts
Deep Freeze: ICE to meet you, Springfield! I'll be robbin' yer bank now. I hope it's SNOW problem! *cackles*
Wiggum: Deep Freeze! Drop your witticisms and come out with your hands up -- you're under arrest!
Deep Freeze: You're too late, coppers! I'm about to MELT into thin air!
Wiggum: Gotta hand it to this guy. He commits to the bit. Commits HARD.
Lou: Sooner or later, he'll run out of winter-themed quips. Then he's ours.
Deep Freeze: See youse later, Wiggum! It's been SLEET! *cackles*
Task: Make Deep Freeze Hide in Plain Sight
Time: 4h
Deep Freeze: *chuckling* Dem coppers never see what's hiding right under der noses.
Lou: Hey Chief, that snowman over there just chuckled smugly. I think we've got our man.
Wiggum: Cuff him, Lou! Deep Freeze, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of THAW.
Wiggum: How was that?
Deep Freeze: Honestly? Meh.
Wiggum: Yeah. Didn't feel great to me, either.
Deep Freeze: You'll get it. It just takes practice.
Wiggum: Thanks, D.F. You're all right.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 2
Deep Freeze starts
Deep Freeze: You'll never keep me locked up. My boys will be springing me out before you can say Jack Frost.
Lou: Keep mouthing off like that and I might “accidentally” crank up the thermostat.
Wiggum: Whoa, whoa. Lou, settle down. Remember, at heart, he's just a guy who likes snow.
Lou: Chief, don't fall for his jolly act. He shot a security guy at the bank.
Wiggum: Well, maybe the rent-a-cop had it coming. Did you ever stop to think of that, Lou? WELL DID YOU?
Task: Make Deep Freeze Cool His Heels in Prison
Time: 4h
Location: Police Station, Springfield Penitentiary or Brown House
Deep Freeze: I still haven't gotten my phone call! How're my goons gonna know where to break me out of?!
Fat Tony: That will not be necessary.
Wiggum: Fat Tony?! How did you get in here?
Fat Tony: With the spare key you gave me at our last poker night.
Wiggum: Can you not mention that in front of Lou?
Lou: Yeah, you wouldn't want me to know the Chief is on your payroll, right?
Wiggum: Exactly! See? Lou gets it.
Fat Tony: I'll be going soon. But I'm taking the snowman with me. I'm his new boss.
Wiggum: Ooooh. Plot twist!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 3
Deep Freeze starts
Deep Freeze: Youse wants me to work for youse, I want double what old Saint Nick pays me.
Fat Tony: Gladly. The old elf put me on the “Naughty” list at the age of two! When my only crime was extortion and some light smuggling. Normal kid stuff.
Wiggum: Hold on. What makes you think I'm just gonna hand Deep Freeze over to you, Fat Tony?
Fat Tony: I'm sensing this fat roll of hundreds might convince you to look the other way.
Wiggum: You are VERY good at reading people.
Wiggum: Seriously. I was trying hard to give off an “uncrooked cop” vibe, and you saw right through it.
Wiggum: Be a lamb, Tony, and make it look like you broke him out of here, yes? Gotta keep up appearances.
Fat Tony: With pleasure.
Task: Make Deep Freeze Stage a Prison Break
Time: 4h
Location: Police Station, Springfield Penitentiary or Brown House
Task: Make Fat Tony Walk Out the Front Door
Time: 4h
Location: Police Station, Springfield Penitentiary or Brown House
Deep Freeze: So! Which bank should we rob first, eh, boss?
Fat Tony: Later. I want you to meet the boys. We're a mob, but we're also a family.
Fat Tony: Like any family, we quarrel. Sometimes we put each other's heads in vices for snitching.
Fat Tony: Occasionally, we put cement shoes on a family member and toss him in the river because he looked at the wrong woman.
Deep Freeze: So, normal family stuff. Got it.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 4
Auto starts
Fat Tony: Boys, meet our new associate - Deep Freeze.
Legs: Nice to meetcha. We can always use more muscle.
Johnny Tightlips: I don't know nothin'.
Deep Freeze: Youse boys remind me of the old crew I used to run with before I put them all in a car crusher.
Legs: Ooh, sounds like there's a funny story there!
Task: Make Deep Freeze Trade Crime Stories
Time: 8h
Location: Businessman's Social Club or Brown House
On job start:
Deep Freeze: Me and dem boys had good times. But den I found out dey was shortin' my take.
Louie: Well, you did what you had to do.
Johnny Tightlips: I got nothin' to say.
Deep Freeze: So I offed ‘em. And here's the punchline -- it turned out I was just being paranoid!
Deep Freeze: Dose fellas was as honest as dey come. I crushed ‘em for no reason!
Louie: Oh, that's great!
Johnny Tightlips: *barely audible chuckle* No comment.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 5
Auto starts
Fat Tony: Okay, fellas. It's time we hit the bank.
Fat Tony: You boys take point on the robbery and our new associate will cover you.
Louie: I wanted to be the one to shoot the gun this time!
Fat Tony: We've talked about this Louie. No more shooting guns for you until you go one month without a friendly fire incident.
Louie: Aw, shucks. It just doesn't seem fair, is all.
Deep Freeze: Don't youse guys worry, the only thing I do better than robbing banks is snowball fightin'!
Task: Make Deep Freeze Make it Hail Bullets
Time: 24h
Location: Snow Bank
On job start:
Deep Freeze: *cackling* Any of youse coppers come within fifty feet of me, you get a face full of snow!
Wiggum: Let's get out of here, Lou. We're overmatched.
Lou: Uh, Chief? He's throwing snowballs. We have semi-automatic pistols.
Wiggum: Did you see exactly how many hundreds were in that roll Fat Tony gave me? No? Then get in the car!
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 1
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Mr. Burns, you will come with me! We shall travel through your past, revealing the error of your ways!
Mr. Burns: Is it Christmas again?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: It is! Despair! Oh, desp--
Mr. Burns: Every year I tell you I have no regrets, yet you persist. Smithers! Fetch the vacuum cleaner!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: You have exploited the poor, trampled upon your loyal employees, and turned your back on love!
Mr. Burns: I thought you were here to teach me a lesson, not rattle off a list of my proudest achievements.
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Uhhh...
Mr. Burns: YES?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Well, that's all I've got, really...
Task: Make the Ghost of Christmas Past Try to Win an Argument
Time: 4h
Location: Burns Manor or Brown House
On job start:
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Didn't you once tear down an orphanage to build a for-profit retirement community?
Mr. Burns: One group was abandoned by their parents, the other by their children. It's a wash in the end, isn't it?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Come on. Open up! Everyone has regrets.
Mr. Burns: Even you?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Well, no. At least... I don't think I'm allowed to talk about them...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 2
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: I suppose I DO regret that no one has ever asked me what I regret.
Mr. Burns: That's weak sauce. Spill the beans! Give us something juicy, phantom!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Geez... I don't know... I'm drawing a blank here.
Mr. Burns: Hypocrite! “Everyone has regrets”, you say. “Atone for your sins”, you whine. Practice what you preach!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: I'm trying. I really am. See, when you become a ghost, there's this sort of veil that descends between you and your past, and--
Mr. Burns: Oh, is this the part where you explain the rules of the spirit world? Well, guess what? I don't care! No one cares!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Okay, okay. Let me think, here...
Task: Make The Ghost of Christmas Past Dwell on the Past
Time: 4h
The Ghost of Christmas Past: I've revisited my entire existence. There's nothing I regret.
Mr. Burns: If you have no regrets, then perhaps you've never really lived, eh?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Whoa. Whoa, that's heavy.
Smithers: Hey! It's never too late to do something you'll regret.
Mr. Burns: Rogues night out! Smithers, get the oxygen tank and the thousand dollar bills. Let's raise hell!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 3
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: What shall we do first? Haunt a graveyard? Try on new lengths of chain?
Mr. Burns: None of your undead nonsense for us. Tonight, we LIVE. Smithers, what is the worst, most disreputable place in town?
Task: Make the Ghost of Christmas Past Visit Moe's
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern or Brown House
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Another round?
Mr. Burns: *hic* Smithers, what is this swill you gave me? It's utterly revolting.
Smithers: They call it "beer”, sir. And I think you've had enough.
Mr. Burns: A second shot glass won't kill me... *snore*
Smithers: Poor, adorable Mr. Burns. Wait here, I'll bring the car around.
The Ghost of Christmas Past: *ominous laugh* At last, Montgomery, we are alone. Now, to my true purpose!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 4
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Psst! Wake up, Montgomery! We've business to attend to.
Mr. Burns: *hic* I like business...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Of course you do. Now, I just need your signature on a few documents...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: First, this generous donation to an environmental charity...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: ...Next, this letter endorsing a Democratic candidate for office...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: ...And finally, on this agreement to house and care for one hundred orphans...
Task: Make the Ghost of Christmas Past Give Mr. Burns Regrets
Time: 8h
Location: Moe's Tavern or Brown House
Smithers: You! What have you done to Mr. Burns?!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Only given him something to regret. At long last...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 5
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: You said one hasn't really lived until one has regrets. Tomorrow, Mr. Burns will feel particularly alive...
Smithers: How could you? How could you destroy this sweet, evil man's innocence?! I'll get you for this!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: You lay one hand on me and you'll know what regrets truly are!
Smithers: You don't scare me, you old burial shroud!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Oh no? What about this?
Task: Make the Ghost of Christmas Past Use His Ominous Voice
Time: 12h
The Ghost of Christmas Past: There. I think the matter is settled. Don't you?
Smithers: *teeth chattering* I have stared into perdition, and it stared back... it stared back... it stared back...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Tell Mr. Burns I'll be back next Christmas to remind him of what happened here tonight.
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Oh, and a miserable Christmas to you both. *cackles ominously*
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Pile of Presents
Auto starts
Mr. Burns: Smithers, have you finished hiding my presents for the Christmas present hunt?
Smithers: *chuckles* No peeking, Mr. Burns!
Lisa: So, wait. You do an Easter egg-style hunt for Christmas presents with a ninety-something-year-old-man?
Smithers: *shhh* Isn't he adorable?
Mr. Burns: I hope the Christmas bunny has been good to me this year! *giggles excitedly*
Lisa: Listen, if my Dad's boss is losing his mind... I think I deserve to know.
Smithers: Shut up! It's charming! And not at all sad!
Task: Tap Pile of Presents
Mr. Burns: Five-four-three-two-one! Here I come!
Mr. Burns: Where are my presents, Smithers?!
Smithers: You... you have to look for them, sir.
Mr. Burns: *sniff* I want my presents NOW...
Lisa: All right, that's it. I'm telling my Dad to start looking for a new job. The plant is toast.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 1
Auto starts
Santa Claus: Good morning, Mrs. Claus. Christmas Eve -- biggest day of the year! Wakey-wakey!
Mrs. Claus: *growls* Close the shade. Too bright!
Santa Claus: Peppermint, you weren't up late drinking eggnog with the elves, were you? We've talked about this...
Mrs. Claus: Of course not! Uggghhhhhh...
Santa Claus: That's a relief! Listen, I don't like to nag, but without you, the toys just won't get finished. So do you think maybe...
Mrs. Claus: *snore* Whazzit?! Yep, getting up. Just one more minute. Plenty of time to make toys for everyone in the world... *snore*
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Pull it Together
Time: 4h
Location: Santa's House, The North Pole or Brown House
Mrs. Claus: Alright, I'm... outta bed.
Santa Claus: Good job, ginger cookie! I have to prepare the sleigh. Can you make sure all the toys are finished and ready to go?
Mrs. Claus: *retches into her coffee*
Santa Claus: That's my sober girl!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 2
Mrs. Claus starts
Mrs. Claus: Egg! Nog! Where are those stupid elves...
Worker Elf 2: You know our names aren't “Egg” and “Nog”, right?
Mrs. Claus: Who cares? How'r the toys coming along. All done?
Worker Elf 1: Not even close! You never give us a moment's peace to work! All year, it's: “drink this, Egg!”; “Put down that hammer and par-tay, Nog!”
Mrs. Claus: Shh! My husband doesn't know about my drinking.
Worker Elf 1: Honey, if he doesn't know at this point, he doesn't WANT to know.
Mrs. Claus: Okay, shhhh. I just need a moment to think...
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Paint Toys
Time: 4h
Mrs. Claus: Okay, elves. We're a little behind on the toy front. But we've got twelve hours to make a billion presents. No sweat, party people!
Worker Elf 1: Will you put down the eggnog?
Mrs. Claus: Just a little hair of the reindeer...
Worker Elf 2: Just go away! Let us work for once!
Mrs. Claus: Good thinking. Finally, an elf with a friggin' clue. I'm-a gonna nap... *snores*
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 3
Mrs. Claus starts
Mrs. Claus: Okay, how we doing, elfishes? We must be swimmin' in friggin' toys by now.
Worker Elf 1: No thanks to you!
Mrs. Claus: Hey, watch it, Elf! I can have you melted down whenever for why-ever.
Mrs. Claus: Look, I had a bad morning. So I took a much-needed nap. Then a shvitz, another nap, and now I'm on my game. Let's make some friggin' toys.
Worker Elf 1: There's no time! We're not going to make it!
Mrs. Claus: Nonsense. I'm here now. I have a hammer, and a paintbrush, and who's up for making a billion friggin' toys, jerks?! Woo-hoo!
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Pull an All Dayer
Time: 8h
Location: Santa's House, The North Pole or Brown House
Worker Elf 2: I can't believe it! We finished the toys!
Worker Elf 1: Mrs. Claus we did it--
Worker Elf 2: Don't wake her! I'm honestly hoping Santa finds her like this. He needs to realize what she's become.
Mrs. Claus: Woo-hoo, elfs! Mama Claus in da house! Toys be finished and whatever! Let's celebrate!
Worker Elf 2: Oh, god...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 4
Auto starts
Santa Claus: Mother?! You look a wreck! Don't tell me you've been drinking eggnog during the day.
Mrs. Claus: Oh, lighten up. Have some fun for once. S'Christmas time!
Santa Claus: Wait a minute, some of these toys are still wet with paint. Don't tell me you all didn't finish your work until the last minute?! Again!
Mrs. Claus: Okay. There's a perfectly rational ex'plation. Let me go be sick in the john, and I'll tell you all ‘bout it.
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Projectile Vomit Eggnog
Time: 4h
Location: Santa's House, The North Pole or Brown House
Santa Claus: Oh goodness, you're in no state to be out of bed! Boys, load up the sleigh while I take care of the missus.
Worker Elf 1: Right away, sir!
Worker Elf 2: We love being helpful and employed!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 5
Auto starts
Santa Claus: Now dear, you've obviously come down with some sort of stomach bug.
Santa Claus: It's the only explanation for your symptoms. You sure you don't want me to stay home tonight?
Mrs. Claus: *hiccup* No, it's the most important night of our year. You go. The elves will look after me.
Santa Claus: Feel better, love.
Mrs. Claus: *rips back blankets and jumps out of bed* Alright boys, the Christmas Spirit has left the building, so you know what time it is!
Worker Elf 1: How is she still standing after today?!
Mrs. Claus: Christmas par-tay!!!! *blows an air horn*
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Party with the Elves
Time: 24h
Mrs. Claus: *hiccup* Where's the rest of the eggnog? Egg! Nog! Booze me!
Worker Elf 1: You did a ‘nog keg stand and chugged the rest of our supply!
Mrs. Claus: Oh right. *hiccup*
Worker Elf 2: Okay, look. We got lucky this year, but I REALLY think we should get an early start on next year's presents. Whaddya say?
Mrs. Claus: Good idea. Let's start by making ten thousand gallons of high-proof eggnog . *hiccup* Woo-hoo!
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: Greetings! I come to you from on high, with heavenly blessings and a message of hope for all true--
Homer: Next house over. You want Flanders, right?
Angel Lisa: Uh... right. 744 Evergreen Terrace?
Homer: This is 742.
Angel Lisa: Oh, my bad. Sorry about--
Homer: *slams door in angel's face*
Angel Lisa: *walks next door* Ned Flanders?
Ned: *shrieks* *speaks in tongues* *faints* *wakes* *shrieks* *faints again*
Angel Lisa: Hoo boy.
Task: Make Angel Lisa Try to Restore Order
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House or Brown House
Task: Make Flanders Speak in Tongues
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House or Brown House
Ned: Forgive me, heavenly angel! I'm not worthy of this visit!
Angel Lisa: Oh, please. If anything, you're overqualified. You could loosen up a bit, morally speaking, and still be a five-star candidate.
Angel Lisa: Seriously, we've had to relax heavenly standards a ton these days. Take advantage. Live a little.
Ned: I'm getting lifestyle advice from one of the Lord's own! *begins speaking in tongues*
Angel Lisa: *sigh* Know what? I'm gonna get a bite to eat while you settle down. See you in an hour.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Angelic Fury Pt. 2
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: We have a lot of work to do, Ned. You five by five?
Ned: *still speaking in tongues*
Angel Lisa: *sigh* I hate to do this, but you give me no choice. *slap*
Ned: I just had the best idea for a TV show. I call it, “Slapped by an Angel.”
Angel Lisa: Great. I'll talk to the man upstairs about greasing the wheels with the network.
Angel Lisa: Listen, I need you to tell me everything about the people of this town. Specifically, I need dirt.
Ned: I hate to be a Loose-Lipped Larry about my friends and neighbors, but if heaven wills it...
Task: Make Angel Lisa Get the Dirt on Springfield
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House or Brown House
On job start:
Ned: Let me first say how much I love and respect my neighbors and all the good they bring into my life.
Angel Lisa: Uh huh. Get to the dirt.
Ned: I've always said it -- there's nowhere I'd rather be than Springfield!
Angel Lisa: Tell you what. I'm going to say some stuff, and if you disagree with any of it, raise your right hand.
Angel Lisa: Springfield is chock full of the most selfish, thoughtless, bizarre, greedy, inconsiderate heathens around. They need a swift kick in the backside, every one. Right?
Ned: *remains perfectly motionless*
Angel Lisa: Gotcha.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Angelic Fury Pt. 3
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: Now that I have a more accurate picture of Springfield, I'm ready to dish out some custom-made proclamations.
Ned: Before you fly off, could I get a photo of you with the boys?
Angel Lisa: *sigh* Sure. Quick, though, okay? Time is short.
Ned: I never know whether to set the flash on “auto” or what. Let me think, let me think, let me think...
Angel Lisa: Know what? Angels can't be photographed. I forgot to mention -- we're like vampires that way. So... see ya.
Task: Make Angel Lisa Give Proclamations on High
Time: 4h
On job start:
Angel Lisa: People of Springfield, harken to my words!
Rev. Lovejoy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Any communiqués from above are supposed to go through me.
Angel Lisa: Yeah, well, I'm not exactly a Presbylutheran.
Rev. Lovejoy: Really? I always suspected we might not be the true faith. Too laissez-faire. Not enough damnation and holy vengeance.
Rev. Lovejoy: Okay, so what church ARE you from?
Angel Lisa: I am from no one faith. Yet I represent them all. For all is one in God's eyes.
Rev. Lovejoy: *fake sneeze* Cop out!
Angel Lisa: What did you say?
Rev. Lovejoy: Nothing. *whistles innocently*
Angel Lisa: Please, just listen! They'll be time for questions and comments after I finish proclaiming.
Homer: What's happening here? Is this some church thing? I gave last month.
Angel Lisa: I'm not asking for money.
Homer: Good. Because I don't have any on me.
Angel Lisa: You have forty-eight dollars in your wallet. But that's not important. Will you people just listen for five minutes, please?
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Angelic Fury Pt. 4
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: Hear my words! “God grant me the serenity to--”
Homer: If we're asking God for ANYTHING, I think number one should be turning every drop of water in town into wine.
Ned: *laughs uneasily* Homer, that's a thing that Jesus does. They're different people, you know.
Moe: Plus, if we had no water, I think we'd die, right?
Homer: Yeah, but what a way to go!
Angel Lisa: Can we get serious, for a moment. PLEASE?!
Homer: It's just a thought. I have a TON of great ways to put God to work around here. For example...
Task: Make Angel Lisa Offer Up a Prayer for Patience
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House or Brown House
Angel Lisa: *exhales deeply* Those meditation classes the apostles recommended really help with my anger management. Now then--
Homer: If God really is all powerful, then how come vegetables don't taste like meat?
Ned: Homer, we don't question the will of--
Homer: Either make them good-tasting, or give us taste buds that THINK they're good-tasting. There. I've given Him two easy outs.
Homer: Take your pick, God. I'm waiting...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Angelic Fury Pt. 5
Angel Lisa starts
Angel Lisa: Ladies and gentlemen, do you know how desperately most people wish an angel would appear before them?
Angel Lisa: Just so they could KNOW what to believe, instead of having to rely on faith?
Angel Lisa: Do you know how lucky you are?
Angel Lisa: That does it!
Task: Make Angel Lisa Deliver Divine Judgment
Time: 12h
Angel Lisa: *exhales deeply* I feel much better. A little smiting really brightens the day.
Ned: *rolling on the ground speaking in tongues*
Homer: *in a state of shock*
Angel Lisa: *snaps fingers* Come on you two, that wasn't even me at my worst.
Angel Lisa: *sighs* Oh forget it. I'll just tell the man upstairs that everyone was too busy with church and charity to hear anything I said.
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Christmas Fair Booth
Auto starts
Marge: *ooh* A Christmas Fair! Come on Homie, let's have a look!
Homer: Marge. You know I super-love Christmas. But I did the mandatory thing where we decorate the house, and the mandatory thing where we shop for the kids...
Homer: ...and the mandatory thing where we go to a party and I hang with your friends and act like I care...
Homer: And now I need to celebrate Homer Christmas.
Marge: What's Homer Christmas?
Homer: It's where I turn on the TV, and watch whatever sports teams have been forced by their billionaire owners to work on Christmas.
Homer: It's quiet, it's alone, and it's all Daddy's.
Marge: Know what? That makes sense! Homer Simpson, you're off duty! I'm going to the booth!
Task: Tap the Christmas Fair Booth
Marge: Homer! Are you having a good Homer Christmas?
Homer: I am. I truly am. I watched LeBron James have to work on a day that I get off, and it was wonderful.
Marge: And I hope it made him miserable, and made you feel superior.
Homer: Yes on both counts, my love. On both counts.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Christmas Pageant Stage
Auto starts
Lisa: Mom, I'm scared. What if I don't want to perform ballet in front of all these people?
Marge: Then don't, sweetie.
Lisa: Really, Mom? It's okay?
Marge: Of course! I think it's generous of you to step aside and let Janey have the spotlight.
Marge: Who knows? This could be just the confidence boost she needs to become all she can be.
Marge: Next thing you know, she'll find her voice, and start speaking up in class...
Marge: ...and soon, she'll have highest grades in Springfield Elementary Grade 2!
Lisa: Get out of the way!!! Tonight, I dance!!!
Task: Make Lisa Dance On Stage
Time: 8h
Location: Pageant Stage
Lisa: Mom, I did it! I really did it!
Marge: I knew you would.
Marge: All it took was a little dollop of the kind of psychological torture only a mom can deliver!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Festive Carolers
Auto starts
Helen Lovejoy: *shhh* Listen up, all!
Helen Lovejoy: It is imperative we uphold the honor of the Neighborhood Association by doing the best door-to-door caroling this town has ever seen!
Helen Lovejoy: But first things first, we need to arrange your bodies in the most visually pleasing way we can.
Task: Tap Festive Carolers
Helen Lovejoy: Hmm. You're all different heights. It's very disconcerting.
Helen Lovejoy: You there, hunch. And you, stand on tiptoes. And you... you just go home.
Helen Lovejoy: Perfect. Now just do this every time we get to a new door and ring the doorbell.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 1
Deep Freeze starts
Deep Freeze: ICE to meet you, Springfield! I'll be robbin' yer bank now. I hope it's SNOW problem! *cackles*
Wiggum: Deep Freeze! Drop your witticisms and come out with your hands up -- you're under arrest!
Deep Freeze: You're too late, coppers! I'm about to MELT into thin air!
Wiggum: Gotta hand it to this guy. He commits to the bit. Commits HARD.
Lou: Sooner or later, he'll run out of winter-themed quips. Then he's ours.
Deep Freeze: See youse later, Wiggum! It's been SLEET! *cackles*
Task: Make Deep Freeze Hide in Plain Sight
Time: 4h
Deep Freeze: *chuckling* Dem coppers never see what's hiding right under der noses.
Lou: Hey Chief, that snowman over there just chuckled smugly. I think we've got our man.
Wiggum: Cuff him, Lou! Deep Freeze, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of THAW.
Wiggum: How was that?
Deep Freeze: Honestly? Meh.
Wiggum: Yeah. Didn't feel great to me, either.
Deep Freeze: You'll get it. It just takes practice.
Wiggum: Thanks, D.F. You're all right.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 2
Deep Freeze starts
Deep Freeze: You'll never keep me locked up. My boys will be springing me out before you can say Jack Frost.
Lou: Keep mouthing off like that and I might “accidentally” crank up the thermostat.
Wiggum: Whoa, whoa. Lou, settle down. Remember, at heart, he's just a guy who likes snow.
Lou: Chief, don't fall for his jolly act. He shot a security guy at the bank.
Wiggum: Well, maybe the rent-a-cop had it coming. Did you ever stop to think of that, Lou? WELL DID YOU?
Task: Make Deep Freeze Cool His Heels in Prison
Time: 4h
Location: Police Station, Springfield Penitentiary or Brown House
Deep Freeze: I still haven't gotten my phone call! How're my goons gonna know where to break me out of?!
Fat Tony: That will not be necessary.
Wiggum: Fat Tony?! How did you get in here?
Fat Tony: With the spare key you gave me at our last poker night.
Wiggum: Can you not mention that in front of Lou?
Lou: Yeah, you wouldn't want me to know the Chief is on your payroll, right?
Wiggum: Exactly! See? Lou gets it.
Fat Tony: I'll be going soon. But I'm taking the snowman with me. I'm his new boss.
Wiggum: Ooooh. Plot twist!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 3
Deep Freeze starts
Deep Freeze: Youse wants me to work for youse, I want double what old Saint Nick pays me.
Fat Tony: Gladly. The old elf put me on the “Naughty” list at the age of two! When my only crime was extortion and some light smuggling. Normal kid stuff.
Wiggum: Hold on. What makes you think I'm just gonna hand Deep Freeze over to you, Fat Tony?
Fat Tony: I'm sensing this fat roll of hundreds might convince you to look the other way.
Wiggum: You are VERY good at reading people.
Wiggum: Seriously. I was trying hard to give off an “uncrooked cop” vibe, and you saw right through it.
Wiggum: Be a lamb, Tony, and make it look like you broke him out of here, yes? Gotta keep up appearances.
Fat Tony: With pleasure.
Task: Make Deep Freeze Stage a Prison Break
Time: 4h
Location: Police Station, Springfield Penitentiary or Brown House
Task: Make Fat Tony Walk Out the Front Door
Time: 4h
Location: Police Station, Springfield Penitentiary or Brown House
Deep Freeze: So! Which bank should we rob first, eh, boss?
Fat Tony: Later. I want you to meet the boys. We're a mob, but we're also a family.
Fat Tony: Like any family, we quarrel. Sometimes we put each other's heads in vices for snitching.
Fat Tony: Occasionally, we put cement shoes on a family member and toss him in the river because he looked at the wrong woman.
Deep Freeze: So, normal family stuff. Got it.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 4
Auto starts
Fat Tony: Boys, meet our new associate - Deep Freeze.
Legs: Nice to meetcha. We can always use more muscle.
Johnny Tightlips: I don't know nothin'.
Deep Freeze: Youse boys remind me of the old crew I used to run with before I put them all in a car crusher.
Legs: Ooh, sounds like there's a funny story there!
Task: Make Deep Freeze Trade Crime Stories
Time: 8h
Location: Businessman's Social Club or Brown House
On job start:
Deep Freeze: Me and dem boys had good times. But den I found out dey was shortin' my take.
Louie: Well, you did what you had to do.
Johnny Tightlips: I got nothin' to say.
Deep Freeze: So I offed ‘em. And here's the punchline -- it turned out I was just being paranoid!
Deep Freeze: Dose fellas was as honest as dey come. I crushed ‘em for no reason!
Louie: Oh, that's great!
Johnny Tightlips: *barely audible chuckle* No comment.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chillin Like a Snowman Pt. 5
Auto starts
Fat Tony: Okay, fellas. It's time we hit the bank.
Fat Tony: You boys take point on the robbery and our new associate will cover you.
Louie: I wanted to be the one to shoot the gun this time!
Fat Tony: We've talked about this Louie. No more shooting guns for you until you go one month without a friendly fire incident.
Louie: Aw, shucks. It just doesn't seem fair, is all.
Deep Freeze: Don't youse guys worry, the only thing I do better than robbing banks is snowball fightin'!
Task: Make Deep Freeze Make it Hail Bullets
Time: 24h
Location: Snow Bank
On job start:
Deep Freeze: *cackling* Any of youse coppers come within fifty feet of me, you get a face full of snow!
Wiggum: Let's get out of here, Lou. We're overmatched.
Lou: Uh, Chief? He's throwing snowballs. We have semi-automatic pistols.
Wiggum: Did you see exactly how many hundreds were in that roll Fat Tony gave me? No? Then get in the car!
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 1
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Mr. Burns, you will come with me! We shall travel through your past, revealing the error of your ways!
Mr. Burns: Is it Christmas again?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: It is! Despair! Oh, desp--
Mr. Burns: Every year I tell you I have no regrets, yet you persist. Smithers! Fetch the vacuum cleaner!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: You have exploited the poor, trampled upon your loyal employees, and turned your back on love!
Mr. Burns: I thought you were here to teach me a lesson, not rattle off a list of my proudest achievements.
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Uhhh...
Mr. Burns: YES?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Well, that's all I've got, really...
Task: Make the Ghost of Christmas Past Try to Win an Argument
Time: 4h
Location: Burns Manor or Brown House
On job start:
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Didn't you once tear down an orphanage to build a for-profit retirement community?
Mr. Burns: One group was abandoned by their parents, the other by their children. It's a wash in the end, isn't it?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Come on. Open up! Everyone has regrets.
Mr. Burns: Even you?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Well, no. At least... I don't think I'm allowed to talk about them...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 2
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: I suppose I DO regret that no one has ever asked me what I regret.
Mr. Burns: That's weak sauce. Spill the beans! Give us something juicy, phantom!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Geez... I don't know... I'm drawing a blank here.
Mr. Burns: Hypocrite! “Everyone has regrets”, you say. “Atone for your sins”, you whine. Practice what you preach!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: I'm trying. I really am. See, when you become a ghost, there's this sort of veil that descends between you and your past, and--
Mr. Burns: Oh, is this the part where you explain the rules of the spirit world? Well, guess what? I don't care! No one cares!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Okay, okay. Let me think, here...
Task: Make The Ghost of Christmas Past Dwell on the Past
Time: 4h
The Ghost of Christmas Past: I've revisited my entire existence. There's nothing I regret.
Mr. Burns: If you have no regrets, then perhaps you've never really lived, eh?
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Whoa. Whoa, that's heavy.
Smithers: Hey! It's never too late to do something you'll regret.
Mr. Burns: Rogues night out! Smithers, get the oxygen tank and the thousand dollar bills. Let's raise hell!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 3
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: What shall we do first? Haunt a graveyard? Try on new lengths of chain?
Mr. Burns: None of your undead nonsense for us. Tonight, we LIVE. Smithers, what is the worst, most disreputable place in town?
Task: Make the Ghost of Christmas Past Visit Moe's
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern or Brown House
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Another round?
Mr. Burns: *hic* Smithers, what is this swill you gave me? It's utterly revolting.
Smithers: They call it "beer”, sir. And I think you've had enough.
Mr. Burns: A second shot glass won't kill me... *snore*
Smithers: Poor, adorable Mr. Burns. Wait here, I'll bring the car around.
The Ghost of Christmas Past: *ominous laugh* At last, Montgomery, we are alone. Now, to my true purpose!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 4
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Psst! Wake up, Montgomery! We've business to attend to.
Mr. Burns: *hic* I like business...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Of course you do. Now, I just need your signature on a few documents...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: First, this generous donation to an environmental charity...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: ...Next, this letter endorsing a Democratic candidate for office...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: ...And finally, on this agreement to house and care for one hundred orphans...
Task: Make the Ghost of Christmas Past Give Mr. Burns Regrets
Time: 8h
Location: Moe's Tavern or Brown House
Smithers: You! What have you done to Mr. Burns?!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Only given him something to regret. At long last...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Regrets, That's All I've Got Pt. 5
The Ghost of Christmas Past starts
The Ghost of Christmas Past: You said one hasn't really lived until one has regrets. Tomorrow, Mr. Burns will feel particularly alive...
Smithers: How could you? How could you destroy this sweet, evil man's innocence?! I'll get you for this!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: You lay one hand on me and you'll know what regrets truly are!
Smithers: You don't scare me, you old burial shroud!
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Oh no? What about this?
Task: Make the Ghost of Christmas Past Use His Ominous Voice
Time: 12h
The Ghost of Christmas Past: There. I think the matter is settled. Don't you?
Smithers: *teeth chattering* I have stared into perdition, and it stared back... it stared back... it stared back...
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Tell Mr. Burns I'll be back next Christmas to remind him of what happened here tonight.
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Oh, and a miserable Christmas to you both. *cackles ominously*
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Pile of Presents
Auto starts
Mr. Burns: Smithers, have you finished hiding my presents for the Christmas present hunt?
Smithers: *chuckles* No peeking, Mr. Burns!
Lisa: So, wait. You do an Easter egg-style hunt for Christmas presents with a ninety-something-year-old-man?
Smithers: *shhh* Isn't he adorable?
Mr. Burns: I hope the Christmas bunny has been good to me this year! *giggles excitedly*
Lisa: Listen, if my Dad's boss is losing his mind... I think I deserve to know.
Smithers: Shut up! It's charming! And not at all sad!
Task: Tap Pile of Presents
Mr. Burns: Five-four-three-two-one! Here I come!
Mr. Burns: Where are my presents, Smithers?!
Smithers: You... you have to look for them, sir.
Mr. Burns: *sniff* I want my presents NOW...
Lisa: All right, that's it. I'm telling my Dad to start looking for a new job. The plant is toast.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 1
Auto starts
Santa Claus: Good morning, Mrs. Claus. Christmas Eve -- biggest day of the year! Wakey-wakey!
Mrs. Claus: *growls* Close the shade. Too bright!
Santa Claus: Peppermint, you weren't up late drinking eggnog with the elves, were you? We've talked about this...
Mrs. Claus: Of course not! Uggghhhhhh...
Santa Claus: That's a relief! Listen, I don't like to nag, but without you, the toys just won't get finished. So do you think maybe...
Mrs. Claus: *snore* Whazzit?! Yep, getting up. Just one more minute. Plenty of time to make toys for everyone in the world... *snore*
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Pull it Together
Time: 4h
Location: Santa's House, The North Pole or Brown House
Mrs. Claus: Alright, I'm... outta bed.
Santa Claus: Good job, ginger cookie! I have to prepare the sleigh. Can you make sure all the toys are finished and ready to go?
Mrs. Claus: *retches into her coffee*
Santa Claus: That's my sober girl!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 2
Mrs. Claus starts
Mrs. Claus: Egg! Nog! Where are those stupid elves...
Worker Elf 2: You know our names aren't “Egg” and “Nog”, right?
Mrs. Claus: Who cares? How'r the toys coming along. All done?
Worker Elf 1: Not even close! You never give us a moment's peace to work! All year, it's: “drink this, Egg!”; “Put down that hammer and par-tay, Nog!”
Mrs. Claus: Shh! My husband doesn't know about my drinking.
Worker Elf 1: Honey, if he doesn't know at this point, he doesn't WANT to know.
Mrs. Claus: Okay, shhhh. I just need a moment to think...
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Paint Toys
Time: 4h
Mrs. Claus: Okay, elves. We're a little behind on the toy front. But we've got twelve hours to make a billion presents. No sweat, party people!
Worker Elf 1: Will you put down the eggnog?
Mrs. Claus: Just a little hair of the reindeer...
Worker Elf 2: Just go away! Let us work for once!
Mrs. Claus: Good thinking. Finally, an elf with a friggin' clue. I'm-a gonna nap... *snores*
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 3
Mrs. Claus starts
Mrs. Claus: Okay, how we doing, elfishes? We must be swimmin' in friggin' toys by now.
Worker Elf 1: No thanks to you!
Mrs. Claus: Hey, watch it, Elf! I can have you melted down whenever for why-ever.
Mrs. Claus: Look, I had a bad morning. So I took a much-needed nap. Then a shvitz, another nap, and now I'm on my game. Let's make some friggin' toys.
Worker Elf 1: There's no time! We're not going to make it!
Mrs. Claus: Nonsense. I'm here now. I have a hammer, and a paintbrush, and who's up for making a billion friggin' toys, jerks?! Woo-hoo!
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Pull an All Dayer
Time: 8h
Location: Santa's House, The North Pole or Brown House
Worker Elf 2: I can't believe it! We finished the toys!
Worker Elf 1: Mrs. Claus we did it--
Worker Elf 2: Don't wake her! I'm honestly hoping Santa finds her like this. He needs to realize what she's become.
Mrs. Claus: Woo-hoo, elfs! Mama Claus in da house! Toys be finished and whatever! Let's celebrate!
Worker Elf 2: Oh, god...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 4
Auto starts
Santa Claus: Mother?! You look a wreck! Don't tell me you've been drinking eggnog during the day.
Mrs. Claus: Oh, lighten up. Have some fun for once. S'Christmas time!
Santa Claus: Wait a minute, some of these toys are still wet with paint. Don't tell me you all didn't finish your work until the last minute?! Again!
Mrs. Claus: Okay. There's a perfectly rational ex'plation. Let me go be sick in the john, and I'll tell you all ‘bout it.
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Projectile Vomit Eggnog
Time: 4h
Location: Santa's House, The North Pole or Brown House
Santa Claus: Oh goodness, you're in no state to be out of bed! Boys, load up the sleigh while I take care of the missus.
Worker Elf 1: Right away, sir!
Worker Elf 2: We love being helpful and employed!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Party Claus Pt. 5
Auto starts
Santa Claus: Now dear, you've obviously come down with some sort of stomach bug.
Santa Claus: It's the only explanation for your symptoms. You sure you don't want me to stay home tonight?
Mrs. Claus: *hiccup* No, it's the most important night of our year. You go. The elves will look after me.
Santa Claus: Feel better, love.
Mrs. Claus: *rips back blankets and jumps out of bed* Alright boys, the Christmas Spirit has left the building, so you know what time it is!
Worker Elf 1: How is she still standing after today?!
Mrs. Claus: Christmas par-tay!!!! *blows an air horn*
Task: Make Mrs. Claus Party with the Elves
Time: 24h
Mrs. Claus: *hiccup* Where's the rest of the eggnog? Egg! Nog! Booze me!
Worker Elf 1: You did a ‘nog keg stand and chugged the rest of our supply!
Mrs. Claus: Oh right. *hiccup*
Worker Elf 2: Okay, look. We got lucky this year, but I REALLY think we should get an early start on next year's presents. Whaddya say?
Mrs. Claus: Good idea. Let's start by making ten thousand gallons of high-proof eggnog . *hiccup* Woo-hoo!
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP