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6 years ago

A Simpsons Christmas Special Teaser: Walkthrough

Crazy Cat Sleight gives 100 points to Vanity.

Crazy Cat Sleigh

Auto starts

Cletus: Ms. Claws just flew into town on her Cat Sleigh! The Hissmass season is here! Anxious Hissmass to all!
Homer: Nobody look the yokel in the eye. If we don’t engage, he’ll wander off.
Moe: What are you blabbering about, hillbilly? It’s called Christmas, and it’s Mister Claus what drives the sleigh!
Homer: Moe! Ignore him!
Cletus: I means what I says. Every Hissmass, Ms. Claws arrives on her magical sleigh pulled by eight ornery cats.
Cletus: She gives catnip to the good girls and boys, and claws the bad ones in the face.
Homer: That’s the dumbest story I ever heard. Besides, those adorable kitties don’t look so bad to me...
Cletus: I wouldn’t do that if’n I was you...

Task: Place the Crazy Cat Sleigh
Task: Make Homer Provoke Cats
Time: 4h
Location: Crazy Cat Sleigh

Homer: *ow* That cat clawed my face. And on Hissmass, too!
Moe: It happened just like the illiterate drunkard predicted! Homer IS a bad human being, and the mean cat DID claw his face!
Moe: Hissmass is real! Them’s magical flying cats!
Cletus: They’s famous too! Like in that poem: “The Fearful Moments Before Hissmass” - “On Scratcher, on Ugly, on One-eye, and Grumpy! On Awful, and Sulky, and Bloodshed, and Dumpy!”
Cletus: “Now scratch away, claw away, bite away all!” Anxious Hissmass, Everyone!
System Message: No matter if you've been naughty or nice, Ms. Claws is here to wish you a meowy Hissmass. Get her in the store now!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Claws Out Pt. 1

Crazy Cat Lady starts

Ms. Claws: *hisssss*
Lisa: Ms. Abernathy? Is that you? Why are you dressed up like Santa?
Cletus: Careful, little one! That there is Ms. Claws. You be nice or them felines will take your eye!
Lisa: Okay, I'm game. Who, or what, is Ms. Claws?

Task: Make Cletus Tell the Story of Ms. Claws
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

On job start:
Cletus: Every year at Hissmasstime, Ms. Claws leaves her secret shack at the West Pole and flies around the world, spreading anxiety and unease.
Cletus: She gives catnip to the good girls and boys, and claws the bad ones right in the face!
Lisa: And who makes the catnip? Does she have elves, like Santa?
Cletus: No. Orcs. A big pile of ‘em. High as a mountain. The orc pile spends all year making catnip, then they spend Hissmass Day in furious breeding.
Cletus: It’s perfectly logical, when you thinks about it.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Claws Out Pt. 2

Crazy Cat Lady starts

Ms. Claws: *purrr*
Lisa: So where is Mr. Claws while all this is happening?
Cletus: Guarding the homestead. Mr. Claws sits on the porch, shotgun in his lap, ready to blast Santa Claus if’n he starts any mischief.
Cletus: The Clauses and the Clawses have been feudin’ for years. Santa and his kin got sore at the Clawses over a land deal what went bad.
Cletus: Whole generations of Clauses and Clawses have been wiped out. And there’s nothin’ the Sheriff of Holiday County can do about it, if he values his skin.
Lisa: What a beautiful holiday tale.

Task: Make Ms. Claws Make Cats Festive
Time: 8h

Lisa: Aw. So cute! Seeing those cats so festive makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Cletus: Don’t let your guard down on Hissmass, or you’ll be face-scratched for sure!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Claws Out Pt. 3

Crazy Cat Lady starts

Ms. Claws: *rowr*?
Lisa: What is she asking me?
Cletus: Ms. Claws is askin’ if’n you’ve been good or bad. Whether she’s gonna leave you with some nice catnip, or with face welts that never heal.
Lisa: I’m scared.
Cletus: Now yer gettin’ in the Hissmass spirit!
Ms. Claws: *purrr*

Task: Make Ms. Claws Give Out Catnip
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House or Springfield Elementary or Flanders House

Lisa: Phew. Thanks for the catnip, Ms. Claws! Anxious Hissmass to you!
Ms. Claws: *hands Flanders catnip*
Ned: Why, thank you, Crazy Cat Lady-arino!
Ms. Claws: *hands Marge catnip*
Marge: Is it Hissmass already? The year just flew by!
Ms. Claws: *hands Moe catnip*
Moe: If I’m on the “Good” list, you seriously need to rework your scoring system.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Claws Out Pt. 4

Crazy Cat Lady starts

Ms. Claws: *licks hands contentedly*
Lisa: Wow! I guess Springfield is just packed with “Good” people. It seems like everyone is getting catnip this year.
Cletus: Naw, Ms. Claws just likes to do all the “Bad” folk at once. Cats scratch better when they work themselves into a frenzy.
Ms. Claws: *gutteral growling sound*
Cletus: Here it comes!

Task: Make Ms. Claws Give Out Cat Scratches
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Downs, Krusty Burger, Burns Manor or Moe's Tavern

Mr. Burns: Smithers! What are all these mangy felines doing here! *shoo*
Ms. Claws: *gutteral growling sound*
Ms. Claws: *holds up cat that claws Mr. Burns in the face*
Mr. Burns: *shrieks* Smithers! I've been mauled!
Cletus: Maybe now you’ll let the magic of Hissmass into your heart!
Mr. Burns: Hmm. Doubtful.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Claws Out Pt. 5
Crazy Cat Lady starts
Ms. Claws: *hisss*
Lisa: I guess we’ve all learned the true meaning of Hissmass.
Cletus: And that is?
Lisa: A magical crazy lady can show up at any time and sic her cats on you, for reasons that are clear only to her.
Cletus: Now you understand. And it’s time to bid Ms. Claws farewell.
Lisa: Hissmass is already over? Ms. Claws is going to turn back into Ms. Abernathy?
Cletus: No! She's gonna fly the cat sleigh through the night sky.

Task: Make Ms. Claws Drive the Cat Sleigh
Time: 12h
Location: Crazy Cat Sleigh

On job start:
Cletus: Anxious Hissmass, Ms. Claws! Have fun spreading your bloodcurdling message to boys and girls everywhere!
Lisa: Anxious Hissmass! I promise I’ll never sleep soundly again!
Ms. Claws: *purrr*

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
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