Forum Discussion

VirileDDub's avatar
11 years ago

Bonus XP/$ items

if you want to spend 45 donuts, then you can only really get 2.25%.
if you wanted the same 2.25 but for "more" items, you could also get 45 x white picket fence or 45 x spooky wall which are 1 donut each and @ 0.05 per item, would add up to 2.25 also

hope that makes sense.

  • The best item for bonus xp/$ is the boombox from WD. 50 donuts and a 3.5% multi.
  • DJDK-ec wrote:
    The best item for bonus xp/$ is the boombox from WD. 50 donuts and a 3.5% multi.

    Ahh got ya. Started after WD so ill keep using my missiles :D