DIrishB wrote:
While I've been playing since August and have all the LT items and alternate costumes, I have no problem with the rereleasing stuff for newer players to obtain. In fact I'd encourage it. If EA wants to charge donuts for previously released free items (Duff Racer, Holiday items) so those who got that originally don't feel sleighted, that's fine, though I personally would like to see everyone given the same opportunities to obtain LT stuff no matter how late they started playing. The holiday LT stuff should be released, possibly as donut purchases, around those specific holidays, in addition to some new buildings items for the long term players to get something new. Ideally I'd like to see all the episode specific LT stuff released again as well, maybe before Season 25 starts in the Fall. Again, they can charge donuts for the items previously released for free, so those of us who have those items as well as a ridiculous air of elitism and superiority for having them can feel some reprieve at having gotten them for free.
But seriously, it's a mobile video game. If you're seriously measuring any aspect of your self worth based on having an in game item that another player can no longer get, you need to speak with a professional.
Also, as said, by not allowing these items to be rereleased at some point, it promotes or encourages less honest players to go the hack route. It makes perfect financial sense for EA to release them for profit instead of losing out that potential income to hacking. Also, for completists like myself, it may even deter some people from playing or continuing to play knowing they're missing out on some items.
So again, it really comes down to the argument of "I've been playing longer than you so I deserve stuff you can't get", which is absolutely ridiculous and quite childish, versus a way for EA to make more money (not that they need it but its the name of the game) and continue to expand their player and customer base by occasionally releasing older limited time items. Limited time is defined as being available for a limited amount of time, not available for only ONE spam of limited time and never again. As long as it doesn't becomes a regularly purchasable item through cash or donuts its living up to that definition.
This! I wholeheartedly agree!
Linky2g wrote:
idk why you would put status in an item.
-99% of people arent going to visit your town because they arent your friends.
-probably 60% of your friends list doesnt visit you because who cares, its $45
-limited time items never work because being unable to get something makes completionists bored and they go to a new game.
put every item that was Limited Edition up to this date in the mystery boxes on 0.01% (for big buildings and characters) to 1.5% (for valentines bushes and trees) chance to obtain.
problem solved.
The only item that should remain unavailable is the Mapple store because duh...android. Maybe the Duff Racer because it was given out to those who were around at launch or whatever.
Also a very good reply. I even had the same proposition for the mystery boxes in another thread a while back.
I think these two posts covers the arguments for letting limited items be available again in a good way. Just want to add Android players might possibly get a chance to even get some of that stuff for free too. Since we actually never had that possibility, though I don't really believe that will happen. But atleast let us charge donuts for them...
EDIT: Any reason why my quoting suddenly didn't work?