FluidEmotion wrote:
The only item that should remain unavailable is the Mapple store because duh...android. Maybe the Duff Racer because it was given out to those who were around at launch or whatever.
So you think the Duff Racer shouldent be given to anyone but the holiday items should?!? It's kind of damaging for all the arguments for bringing them back. "given out to those who were around at launch or whatever" is basically the same as saying given out to those who were around at Halloween or whatever.
I dont realy agree with the EA making money so it makes sense argument. It seams that people are rarely positive about ea, let alone care about them making money. You want them to make money of you because you want to buy all the limited stuff but you dont want them to make money buy charging excessively for donuts. So this argument to mee seems pretty hypocritical.
Excruciator69 wrote:
Every argument against re-releasing limited time stuff is a different permutation of the above. All of them boil down to the same thing: a warped sense of superiority and a pathetic means of enforcing self-worth.
Whats wrong with keeping limited time items limited time? I bought all the limited time stuff at Halloween thinking it was going to be limited time. i would want my money back because i dont really believe items year on year are limited as they could then come up infinite amount of times.
vixoovee wrote:
Plus, it's no secret that there are hacks that bring back the old and/or premium stuff, so having these items don't guarantee loyalty to the game at all.
Since I started playing around Valentine's I'd love to have some Halloween stuff + the cute leprachaun (that I regret I didn't get) and certainly wouldn't mind if EA brings back limited items released after my time playing TSTO.
Yeh there might be hacks but people prepared to buy donuts to get any premium items generally have integrity and wont hack and surely EA can detect that kind of behaviour or will be able to soon.
Looking on this thread the majority of people who are arguing for the re release of the limited time items do so because they joined after the events happen and this;
Excruciator69 wrote:
Every argument against re-releasing limited time stuff is a different permutation of the above. All of them boil down to the same thing: a warped sense of superiority and a pathetic means of enforcing self-worth.
could quite easily be aimed at some one saying they should bring the items back.
The events would be really boring if we just got offered up the same mechanics. I dont want to be tapping zombies, collecting santa coins, seeking love hearts and cracking snake sculls again. EA should come up with new things not re hashing old ones.