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LPNintendoITA's avatar
8 years ago

Destination Springfield: Act 3 Walkthrough

The Noise From Brazil Pt. 1

Auto starts

Quimby: To attract tourists who want excitement and energy, I have conferred with my most wise and trusted advisor.
Miss Springfield: That's me! And I think Brazil is fun!
Miss Springfield: When I visited Rio, every one fell in love with me, from millionaires to street monkeys.
Miss Springfield: The monkeys would give me cameras they'd stolen from other Americans.
Quimby: Then BrazilWorld will be our next tourist attraction! Anything to keep you happy Miss Springfield.
Miss Springfield: Then how about…
Quimby: Except marriage.

If the user has Quimby: Task: Make Quimby Plan A Brazilian Tourist Destination
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall
Task: Make Homer Plan to Eat a Brazilian Fruit Headdress
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House

The Noise From Brazil Pt. 2

Ned starts

Ned: Mayor Quimby, you've got to do something about these Brazil-loving tourists.
Ned: They're everywhere in their skimpy outfits, dancing and doing soccer tricks that frankly look like witchcraft.
Quimby: There's only one way to get drunken revellers off the streets.
Quimby: Build them a Brazilian tavern to get even more drunk in.
Task: Build the Barra

Ronaldo: Ah, we had a barra just like that next to the orphanage.
Tiago: Back when I was your age, it was my favorite place to drink!

The Noise From Brazil Pt. 3

Ned starts

Ned: Look all these tourists. It's practically a carnival on our city streets.
Lisa: Actually, the Brazilian Carnaval is a Christian religious celebration.
Ned: Presbylutheran Christian?
Lisa: No, that other really big denomination.
Ned: That's worse than Carnaval being nothing!

Task: Make Ned Hide From Sin
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House

The Noise From Brazil Pt. 4

Ned starts

Tiago: Mr. Flanders, you'd enjoy Brazilian culture a lot more if you'd let me teach you to dance the samba.
Ned: But samba is home to the Devil's worst henchmen: syncopation and hip pops.
Tiago: No, no, samba dancing is a wonderful way to stay fit and healthy.
Tiago: Just like other Brazilian exercises, such as jiu jitsu or flamboyance.
Ned: Well, I'll try it. But if I hear bongo one, I'm out of here.

Task: Make Ned Learn to Samba
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House

The Noise From Brazil Pt. 5

Ned starts

Ned: Thanks for the samba lessons, but as far as dancing, I'm going to stick to gently nodding along to Gregorian chants.
Tiago: Of course. But let me play one last blood-stirring samba beat.
Ned: What's going on? My body is dancing by itself!
Tiago: You cannot stop it. You have caught the sweet fever of flamboyance! Oi!
Tiago: By the way, at this point it is usual to tip your dance instructor.

Task: Make Ned Pray to Stop Doing the Samba
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House

The Noise From Brazil Pt. 6

Ned starts

Ned: Dr. Hibbert, you've got to help me. I've caught samba fever.
Ned: I start to dance any time I hear Latin music. Taco commercials are a nightmare!
Dr. Hibbert: Did it ever occur to you that you just like having fun?
Ned: No! Now cure me with a drug!
Dr. Hibbert: Fine. You're the doctor.

Task: Make Ned Try to Cure Samba Fever
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House

The Noise From Brazil Pt. 7

Ned starts

Helen Lovejoy: Ned, I hear you're an excellent samba dancer.
Luann: We all want to dance, but our men are useless.
Miss Hoover: There's no other man in Springfield who can pop a hip like you can.
Agnes: You don't want to leave us hanging, do ya?
Ned: Lord, it is my duty to help the afflicted… so I'm going to fire up the flamboyance. Oi!!!

Task: Make Ned Dance for the Ladies
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House
Task: Make Ladies Watch Ned Dance
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House

Who Wants to Be a Brazilianaire? Pt. 1

Apu starts

Moe: We got all these tourists coming to town, but they ain't spending dime one in my bar.
Apu: They are avoiding the Kwik-E-Mart like the plague, thanks to reports that my milk is contaminated by the plague.
Comic Book Guy: And for some reason tourists are not excited by a sarcastic and self-loathing comic book vendor.
Apu: Why don't we have a meeting in Moe's bar to decide what to do?
Moe: My craphole? Forget it. Let's go to that nice new barra.

Task: Make Springfielders Drink at Barra
Time: 4h
Location: Barra

Who Wants to Be a Brazilianaire? Pt. 2

Apu starts

Comic Book Guy: I have discovered our problem: a travel review site called “TripButtinski”.
Comic Book Guy: The tourists are rating our establishments there. And there's worse news…
Comic Book Guy: Their ratings are accurate.
Moe: Oh dear God, we're doomed.

Task: Make Springfielders Drink in Despair at Barra
Time: 4h
Location: Barra

Who Wants to Be a Brazilianaire? Pt. 3

Apu starts

Comic Book Guy: I have a solution to our TripButtinski problem.
Comic Book Guy: We pay tourists to write us good reviews.
Apu: Isn't it a bit unethical to make people write nice things about us?
Comic Book Guy: Well, how about I write the nice things, and they just have to post them.
Moe: Can't get fairer than that, Apu.

Task: Make Springfielders Drink to the New Plan
Time: 4h
Location: Barra
Task: Make Apu Ask “The Ethicist” at the Daily Fourth Gradian
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart

Who Wants to Be a Brazilianaire? Pt. 4

Lisa starts

Lisa: Moe, as you know I write “The Ethicist” column for the Daily Fourth Gradian, and I recently received an anonymous letter.
Lisa: It said Springfield business owners are paying tourists to write good reviews for TripButtinski.
Moe: Not true! Although, uh, what would a good review for my bar sound like?
Lisa: Um… “Moe's Tavern is a welcoming space with quality beer served by a friendly, honest host.”
Moe: That is good! I'm gonna pay a tourist to post that right now!

Task: Reach Level 15 and Build Moe's Tavern
Task: Make Moe Write a Glowing Review of His Bar
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern

Who Wants to Be a Brazilianaire? Pt. 5

Apu starts

Apu: I'm paying so much for fake good reviews on TripButtinski that I'm actually losing money.
Comic Book Guy: You can't give up now. Just borrow some cash from Fat Tony.
Fat Tony: I offer great rates and various painless options for paying me back.
Apu: How do I know I can trust you?
Fat Tony: Just check out my great reviews on TripButtinski.

If the user has Fat Tony: Task: Make Fat Tony Loan Money
Time: 4h
Location: Barra
Task: Make Apu Buy Great Reviews
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart

Who Wants to Be a Brazilianaire? Pt. 6

Moe starts

Moe: It's no use. No matter how many fake reviews we post online, tourists ain't coming into our businesses.
Comic Book Guy: Plus, now Fat Tony wants us to pay back the money we borrowed to pay for fake reviews.
Apu: Don't worry, he said he had painless payback options.
Fat Tony: It's true I have painless options, however I am opting for the painful ones.

Task: Make Businessmen Default on Their Mob Loans
Time: 4h
Location: Barra
If the user has Fat Tony: Task: Make Fat Tony Break Some Knees
Time: 4h
Location: Barra
Task: Make Springfielders Party in the Barra
Time: 4h
Location: Barra
Task: Make Lisa Write a Scathing Ethics Column
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

The Noise From Brazil Pt. 8

Lisa starts

Quimby: Our experiment with the tourist industry has been a triumph! By which I mean a less-than-total failure.
Professor Frink: Not so fast. It's true, we've created three perfect vacation destinations: FrenchWorld, JapanWorld, and BrazilWorld.
Professor Frink: Normally, these “worlds” would be manned by flawless robots that would, only occasionally, start killing guests.
Lisa: But we're the workers here. And we're not robots.
Professor Frink: Exactly, Lisa. So logically, the killer robots must be… the tourists!

Task: Make Springfielders Hide in the Barra in Terror
Time: 4h
Location: Barra

Quimby: Since we can't possibly tell real tourists apart from killer robots, I declare Springfield off limits to all out-of-towners!
System Message: Congratulations! Your town has rejected the benefits of the global economy. Now back to subsisting on Cletus' beans.