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LPNintendoITA's avatar
8 years ago

Destination Springfield: Premium Walkthrough]
Pont Du Gard

Auto starts

Lisa: Mom, why are you scrubbing the aqueduct?
Marge: Drinking water flows though here. Someone could get sick.
Lisa: It hasn't been used for drinking water since the Romans built it two thousand years ago.
Marge: Lisa, please. Can't I have a little fun on my vacation?
Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 1

Lisa starts

Lisa: Okay, just so I understand the premise…
Lisa: In Japan, there's a restaurant chain called “Americatown” that's American-themed and serves American food.
Homer: Nothing complicated about that.
Lisa: And we're opening an Americatown franchise in Springfield's fake JapanWorld.
Homer: Not a franchise, Lisa. An unauthorized rip-off. There's nothing more American.

Task: Make Homer Manage Americatown
Time: 1h
Location: Americatown

Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 2

Homer starts

Homer: Now to turn Americatown into a genuine Rock and Roll burger joint.
Homer: I'm talking the kind of giant grease-laden dishes that will bring Guy Fieri running.
Homer: Step one, décor. We need license plates and electric guitars on every wall.
Homer: Bart, this is your area.

Task: Make Bart Grab Guitars From Wimpy Musicians
Time: 1h
Location: Americatown

Bart: How am I supposed to get out-of-state license plates for the walls?
Homer: Either visit your aunts Patty and Selma and see if they have some at the DMV…
Homer: Or slice open great white sharks and see if they've swallowed any.
Bart: Fine, sharks. But don't call it a choice when it's not a choice.

Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 3

Homer starts

Homer: If Americatown is going to be a classic rock and roll burger joint, every menu item needs an over-the-top name.
Homer: “Homer's Nacho Cheddar Meltdown.” “Lynyrd Skynless Chicken Wing Fling.” Something about cole slaw.
Lisa: “Slaw and Order: Special Vinegar Unit”?
Homer: Close but keep working it.

Task: Make Lisa Work on Menu Names
Time: 4h
Location: Americatown
Task: Make Bart Put Up Guitars
Time: 4h
Location: Americatown
Task: Make Homer Manage Americatown
Time: 1h
Location: Americatown

Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 4

Homer starts

Homer: Next step in making Americatown into a great rock and roll burger joint: the rock and roll soundtrack.
Homer: We need some classic rock songs that we'll play over and over until everyone in the restaurant goes crazy.
Apu: Elvis Presley!
Moe: Guns ‘n' Roses!
Lisa: The Miles Davis Quintet!
Lisa: Thought I might sneak it onto the playlist.

Task: Make Springfielders Argue About Music
Time: 4h
Location: Americatown

Big Trouble in Little America Pt. 5

Homer starts

Homer: There's only one more thing to make our restaurant great. Hire some rockin' waitresses.
Homer: Now, we'll be competing against certain bosom-based restaurant chains, so I'll need my staff to have upper body presence.
Wiggum: Hey, if it's boobs you want, l can start today.

Task: Make Homer Hire Waitresses
Time: 4h
Location: Americatown

Homer: Okay, Ginger, as our new waitress, get out there and show ‘em what American service is like.
Ginger Flanders: Welcome to Americatown. Oh wait, I forgot my order pad. Also, I'm going on a cigarette break.
Homer: Now that's authentic America.

Cosplay It Again Sam

Kumiko starts

Sailor Kumiko: I love dressing up as a provocative anime character.
Sailor Kumiko: I fly all over the world to appear at comic conventions.
Sailor Kumiko: I can live out my fantasy of being an all-powerful woman that everyone adores and fears.
Sailor Kumiko: Which also pretty much describes my real life working in a comic book store full of nerds.

Task: Send Kumiko on a Flight

System Message: Keep sending Kumiko on flights to earn event currency!

Dispirited Away Pt. 1

Kumiko starts

Sailor Kumiko: Comic Book Guy, let's get dressed up as anime characters and pose for photos.
Comic Book Guy: I'd love to, my sweet, but I'm in the middle of a Wikipedia edit war.
Comic Book Guy: There, once again I have corrected the offending entry. It's spelled “yoghurt”, not “yogurt”.
Comic Book Guy: And now my enemy has changed it back again! Oh, it's going to be a long night.
Sailor Kumiko: ...

Task: Make Kumiko Pose for Photos
Time: 1h

Dispirited Away Pt. 2

Kumiko starts

Sailor Kumiko: What kind of husband lets his wife attend the Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con all by herself?
Skinner: Would you care to be escorted by a Vulcan who is torn between logic and his all too powerful human needs?
Lenny: Or a guy who couldn't decide on a costume?
Sailor Kumiko: Perhaps later. Now there is something I most do of utmost importance.

Task: Make Sailor Kumiko Compete in the Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con Costume Contest
Time: 4h

Quimby: And the winner of the costume contest is... Sailor Kumiko!
Quimby: Traditionally, the winner joins the mayor at a delightful private dinner.
Carl: Hey, last year I won as Bender and I got nothing.
Quimby: By “traditionally” I meant “Now that a woman has won.”

Dispirited Away Pt. 3

Kumiko starts

Comic Book Guy: How did the Con go without me?
Sailor Kumiko: I won the costume contest and many nerds expressed romantic interest in me.
Comic Book Guy: I see. And…?
Sailor Kumiko: And I am back home to you. You are my husband and my true love.
Comic Book Guy: Would you care to engage in our favorite marital bedtime activity?
Sailor Kumiko: Online ranting? Surely.

Task: Reach Level 13 & Build Android's Dungeon
Task: Make Comic Book Guy Rant Online
Time: 4h
Location: Android's Dungeon
Task: Make Kumiko Read Manga
Time: 4h
Location: Android's Dungeon

Learn About American Values

Ralph starts

Task: Make Ralph Learn About American Values
Time: 8h
Location: Americatown
La Vigne de le Sang Pt. 1

Homer starts

Homer: This old winery is in pretty bad shape. I'd call the Better Business Bureau, but... I've already stopped caring.
Ned: Well now, Jesus was a fan of wine, as I recall.
Ned: With a bit of hard work, we could have this place producing a killer Cabernet in no time!
Homer: Knock yourself out, Flanders.
Homer: Seriously, those low-hanging beams in the wine cellar are a hazard.

Task: Make Ned Renovate the Chateau
Time: 4h
Location: Chateau Maison
Quest reward: Chateau Maison (renovated) and Grape Stomping Vat

La Vigne de le Sang Pt. 2

Ned starts

Ned: Phew, that took a lot of effort, but the old Chateau is ready to make wine.
Homer: Man, I have never suffered so much to get a drink before.
Homer: And I've had to look at Moe's face while ordering a beer.
Moe: Yeah, if you can get drunk while staring at my puss, there's nothing you can't accomplish.

Task: Make Bart Stomp on Grapes
Time: 4h
Location: Grape Stomping Vat

Ned: Anybody for a nice glass of Merlot?
Homer: Ewww, not after watching Bart stomp all over it.
Krustè With Cheese

French Waiter starts

French Waiter: Welcome to Le Krusty Burger, France's answer to American fast food.
French Waiter: It's served incredibly slowly, and it's dripping with the juices of existential angst and self-pity.
French Waiter: On the plus side, the tip is included in the bill.
French Waiter: That way you don't notice you're tipping 100%.

Task: Make Springfielders Dine at Le Krusty Burger
Time: 1h
Location: Le Krusty Burger

French Waiter: Messieurs, mesdames, did you enjoy your dinner?
Wiggum: Dinner?! I thought that was the appetizer.
French Waiter: Yes, French portions are as tiny as our pencil-thin moustaches and our military commitment to NATO.
French Waiter: But I could bring you another order of US fries.

Eat at Le Krusty Burger

Lenny starts

Task: Make Lenny Eat at Le Krusty Burger
Time: 2h
Location: Le Krusty Burger
Task: Make Carl Eat at Le Krusty Burger
Time: 2h
Location: Le Krusty Burger
A View to Brazil

Lisa starts

Lisa: What a beautiful replica of Rio's Sugarloaf Mountain, right down to the cable car.
Bart: Oh, this cable car is twice as strong as the original.
Bart: The engineers were warned Homer might ride on it.
Marge: It's the perfect place for me to show tourists the sights of Springfield.
Marge: Thank goodness I knitted myself a tour guide umbrella.

Task: Make Marge Lead a Tour
Time: 1h
Location: Sugarloaf Mountain

Marge will then talk about 3 of the first 12 items in the list, if present in the town, choosing randomly. If none of the items are present, she'll talk about the last 4.

Marge: To the left you'll see Banana Dictatorship, the home of super-skinny clothes that fit no woman in Springfield.
Marge: The glittering lights at the casino are reflected off Grampa's bolo tie as he gambles away our inheritance.
Marge: Over there is the Duff Brewery. Looks like right now they're straining the rats out of the vats.
Marge: To the right you can see the Escalator to Nowhere, now the second best location from which to view Springfield.
Marge: From here you can just see King Homer peeking out. Please hide your bananas.
Marge: If you're blinded by the Mansion of Solid Gold, there's an optician at the end of the tour.
Marge: Our Monorail lowers property values of every neighborhood it runs through.
Marge: For the best views of incoming flaming comets, check out the Observatory.
Marge: Looking at the hills, you can see that a prankster has changed the Springfield sign to read “Springweed.”
Marge: That statue celebrates Jebediah Springfield, the town founder and dedicated polygamist.
Marge: Oh, look! It's Stephen Hawking, Springfield's smartest man. He invented black holes, and now he lives in one.
Marge: The Two-Storey Outhouse was built on the site of Springfield's old pauper cemetery. They say ghosts will bum cigarettes.
Marge: Oooh, you can see my house from here! And Homer sleeping naked in the hammock.
Marge: The Springfield Nuclear Plant is completely accident-free since it vaporized the town and started this game.
Marge: Springfield Airport holds the record for most cans of whipped cream confiscated by the TSA. All in Homer's luggage.
Marge: The shop with a parking lot full of surly teens is the Kwik-E-Mart. Stop in if you need meat-substitute products!
Arc De Tirades

Homer starts

Lisa: The real Arc de Triomphe was built by Napoleon Bonaparte to celebrate his greatest victory.
Homer: The invention of the pastry called the “Napoleon”.

Task: Make Homer Eat a Napoleon
Time: 1h
Location: Arc de Triomphe
    Sparkled Away Pt. 1

    Mr. Sparkle starts

    Mr. Sparkle: Mr. Sparkle is here for the best wash!
    Mr. Sparkle: Filth, repent or be cleansed!
    Wiggum: Uhhh... did anyone get that?
    Marge: He's talking in the language all moms understand… cleaning!

    Task: Make Mr. Sparkle Clean
    Time: 4h

    Sparkled Away Pt. 2

    Homer starts

    Homer: *whistle* Mr. Sparkle lives up to his name! He even cleaned the lint and old chewing gum out of my ears.
    Carl: Good job, Mr. Sparkle.
    Mr. Sparkle: Praise is joy, but dirt that needs obliterating!
    Lenny: Think he's asking for a tip?
    Moe: If he can't ask in American, he ain't getting it.

    Task: Make Mr. Sparkle Continue Cleaning
    Time: 4h

    Sparkled Away Pt. 3

    Mr. Sparkle starts

    Helen Lovejoy: Mr. Sparkle would make the perfect husband.
    Helen Lovejoy: He cleans the house… and that's it.
    Miss Hoover: Mr. Sparkle, are you romantically engaged?
    Mr. Sparkle: Join me in my quest to sanitize. How can you not?
    Miss Hoover: Whatever you're proposing, I accept!

    Task: Make Mr. Sparkle Clean More
    Time: 4h

    Sparkled Away Pt. 4

    Mr. Sparkle starts

    Mr. Sparkle: My ancestors smile on my brilliant activities.
    Apu: Mr. Sparkle has gone too far in his quest to clean up repulsive filth.
    Apu: He has tossed out all my hot dogs!
    Homer: He's just made himself the most dangerous enemy of all: a hungry, fat man.

    Task: Make Mr. Sparkle Clean More
    Time: 4h

    Sparkled Away Pt. 5

    Homer starts

    Homer: That's it, Sparkle. Your tyranny of tidiness has gone on too long!
    Homer: Prepare to face the ultimate mess-hole: my garage.
    Homer: Oil stains, tangled Christmas lights, silverfish-filled newspapers, and old clothes so smelly you'd think a rat died in them. Which it did.
    Mr. Sparkle: The clean lifestyle is pleasant. Agree or die!
    Homer: So you accept. You are brave, but a fool.

    Task: Make Homer Make a Mess of his Garage
    Time: 1h
    Location: Simpson House
    Task: Make Mr. Sparkle Attempt to Clean Homer's Garage
    Time: 1h
    Location: Simpson House

    Marge: Oh no, Mr. Sparkle is leaving. You've chased him away, Homer.
    Mr. Sparkle: I travel now with the mermaids.
    Homer: Fukuoka Gochiban!
    Moe: Hey, Homer, you could speak Japanese all along?
    Homer: No, I was just mentioning my favorite brand of ramen noodles.
    Practice Walking Softly Like a Ninja

    Comic Book Guy starts

    Task: Make Comic Book Guy Practice Walking Softly Like a Ninja
    Time: 4h
    Location: Himeji Castle

    Royal Tokyo

    Auto starts

    Marge: Springfield finally has it's very own five-star hotel!
    Homer: I don't see what the big deal is.
    Homer: Everyone who ever comes here always ends up in the brown house, anyway.

    Ride the Elevators

    Milhouse starts

    Task: Make Milhouse Ride the Elevators
    Time: 12h
    Location: Royal Tokyo

    Battling Seizure Robots

    Auto starts

    Marge: Is it really safe having “Battling Seizure Robots” in town?
    Homer: Marge, don't get hung up on the name. They're perfectly fine.
    Homer: Someone please restart my heart.
    Low Expectations Pt. 1

    Lisa starts

    Lisa: Ronaldo, my old penpal from Brazil! What are you doing here?
    Ronaldo: Your Mayor brought me here to parade around town in my flamingo costume.
    Lisa: That'll cheer the town up!
    Ronaldo: Don't get too excited. He also opened a local branch of my home,“The Filthy Angels Orphanage”.

    Task: Make Ronaldo Parade as a Flamingo
    Time: 8h

    Low Expectations Pt. 2

    Lisa starts

    Lisa: Mom, my orphan friend Ronaldo is living in Springfield. Can we adopt him?
    Ronaldo: Oh, that would be wonderful! To live with a proper American family.
    Homer: Not so fast! If we're getting a new son, I want to trade in the old one.
    Lisa: Wait, you're saying Ronaldo moves in to our house, and Bart goes to the orphanage?!
    Bart: Suits me. At least there I won't have to listen to a fat man choking on too many pork chops.

    Task: Reach Level 12 & Build Bart's Treehouse
    Task: Make Bart Move Into the Orphanage
    Time: 4h
    Location: Filthy Angels Orphanage
    Task: Make Bart Move into the Orphanage
    Time: 4h
    Location: Simpson House

    Low Expectations Pt. 3

    Apu starts

    Apu: So, Ronaldo, how do you like being adopted by the Simpsons?
    Ronaldo: I'm very hungry. At dinner the food is all eaten before I've even had a chance to unfold my napkin.
    Ronaldo: Even at the orphanage I got three solid bowls of gruel a day.

    Task: Make Ronaldo Fight Homer for Food
    Time: 4h
    Location: Simpson House

    Low Expectations Pt. 4

    Lisa starts

    Lisa: Are you excited, Ronaldo? It's your first day of school at Springfield Elementary.
    Ronaldo: I'm a little scared. I'm the new boy. What if I don't make any friends?
    Milhouse: Don't worry about that! Consider me your new bestie.
    Ronaldo: Now I'm really worried.

    Task: Make Ronaldo Go To School
    Time: 4h
    Location: Springfield Elementary

    Skinner: Ronaldo, you're in fourth grade but your math and reading skills are those of an eighth grader.
    Ronaldo: Yes, the Holy Sisters of my orphanage felt that nothing was more important than education.
    Lisa: Um, mom, can I go be an orphan?

    Low Expectations Pt. 5

    Ronaldo starts

    Ronaldo: Lisa, after spending time in your house and school, I think I'd rather be an orphan in a flamingo costume.
    Brazilian Nun: Yes, please take Bart back. He's a terrible example for our children.
    Brazilian Nun: He's disobedient, disrespectful, and he spray-painted “Mother Superior is a wiener” on the garden wall.
    Bart: Hey, it was an honest criticism. I love the place and I want to make it better.

    Task: Make Bart Hang out at the Orphanage
    Time: 4h
    Location: Springfield Elementary
    Task: Make Ronaldo Parade as a Flamingo
    Time: 8h
    Rio Days-Inn-Ero

    Auto starts

    Quimby: Finally, another hotel where I can have, er, ah consultations with Miss Springfield about er, ah important civic business.
    Quimby: And belly massages.
    Blue Haired Lawyer: I'm afraid I'm shutting this place down.
    Quimby: Why? Health violations? Safety?
    Blue Haired Lawyer: Worse. Torture.
    Blue Haired Lawyer: We've never seen such a tortured pun name.

    Score a Room

    Krusty starts

    Task: Make Krusty Score a Room
    Time: 24h
    Location: Rio Days-Inn-Ero

    XOXO! Pt. 1

    Xoxchitla starts

    Xoxchitla: Happy morning, children of Springfield U.S.A. It's me, Xoxchitla, from Brazil!
    Xoxchitla: Are you ready to learn your arithmetic with dancing and wriggling, the Teleboobies way?
    Bart: Indeed we are, ma'am.
    Bart: For the first time ever I'm interested in learning.

    Task: Make Xoxchitla Educate
    Time: 4h
    Location: Carnival Float

    XOXO! Pt. 2

    Xoxchitla starts

    Kent Brockman: Xoxchitla, your show is the highest rated children's program we've ever had on Channel Six.
    Xoxchitla: Ootchy-scootchy wonderful.
    Kent Brockman: Actually, it isn't saying a lot. Our other kids program is Krusty.
    Kent Brockman: On the other hand, your program has also earned a record number of protests.
    Kent Brockman: Which *is* saying a lot. Our other program is Krusty.

    Task: Make Xoxchitla Read Fan Mail
    Time: 1h
    Location: Carnival Float
    Task: Make Ned Flanders Write Protest Letters
    Time: 1h
    Location: Flanders House

    XOXO! Pt. 3

    Xoxchitla starts

    Moe: Hey Xoxchitla! All of us guys at the bar are giant fans.
    Xoxchitla: Really? You and your barfly friends like a children's show?
    Moe: Whaa? Teleboobies is a kids show?! Now I feel very weird about myself.
    Moe: But it does explain how come adult entertainment was on at ten in the morning.

    Task: Reach Level 15 & Build Moe's Tavern
    Task: Make Xoxchitla Put on a Special
    Time: 4h
    Location: Carnival Float
    Task: Make Springfield Men Watch Xoxchitla's Special
    Time: 4h
    Location: KTV Building, Channel 6 or Brown House
    Characters: Moe, Homer, Lenny, Carl, Barney, Apu, Kirk, Comic Book Guy, Jimbo, Kearney, Dolph, Disco Stu, Patty, Herman, Krusty, Otto, Sea Captain, Sanjay, Dr. Nick, Snake, Wiggum, Artie Ziff

    XOXO! Pt. 4

    Krusty starts

    Krusty: Xoxchitla, we're both in the kids entertainment business, right?
    Xoxchitla: Oh, no. Maybe you entertain, but I educate.
    Krusty: Eh, let's face it, I don't even entertain.
    Krusty: But how about we team up, and do what we do best... make money off children.
    Krusty: Maybe we could do more than team up. I'm looking for wife number seven.

    Task: Make Xoxchitla Consider Krusty's Proposal
    Time: 4h
    Location: Carnival Float

    Xoxchitla: Krusty, thanks for your marriage proposal. In Brazil, no man is more desirable than an aging washed up clown.
    Krusty: Really? That's me exactly!
    Xoxchitla: Unfortunately, we are not in Brazil.
    Krusty: I never see those coming.

    XOXO! Pt. 5

    Xoxchitla starts

    Xoxchitla: Ooh, a crowd of fans outside my dressing room. Let's all drink açaí smoothies.
    Ned: We're not fans, we're protesters.
    Luann: We want our husbands to stop spending all their time watching you.
    Helen Lovejoy: Yes, and go back to spending all their time watching football.
    Xoxchitla: Mr. Flanders, I am going to prove you're wrong about me.

    Task: Make Xoxchitla Give Flanders a Private Demonstration
    Time: 4h
    Location: Flanders House
    Task: Make Ned Attend the Private Demonstration
    Time: 4h
    Location: Flanders House

    XOXO Pt. 6

    Xoxchitla starts

    Xoxchitla: Good news, my wonderful fans. Mr. Flanders has retracted his protest.
    Xoxchitla: You see there's really nothing wrong with “Teleboobies.” It's just that you Americans are so hung up on sex.
    Ned: We watched the show, and before you know it, Rod and Todd had learned enough to read Corinthians, One and Two!
    Ned: When I say “watched”, I mean “listened to the sound with a sheet over the TV screen.”

    Task: Make Xoxchitla Do the Teleboobies Dance
    Time: 8h
    Platinum Scratcher

    Auto starts on February 26th

    Tourist: The magazines were true! The kids don't go to school, beggars in the street looking for jobs, they even barter with food items for buildings!
    Homer: Is what this magazine says about your education true boy?
    Bart: Beats me. The only thing I read is watching internet videos.
    Homer: Well, at least you've learned grammar.
    Declan Desmond: Support Springfield schools by playing the lotto. Platinum Scratch-R are now available!
    Try and Stop Us Billboard

    Auto starts

    Lisa: Is a threatening billboard really the best way to welcome people into Springfield?
    Quimby: Tourists are jewels on the cushion of hospitality. So they deserve to know this place is a craphole.
    Robots in the Skies Pt. 1

    Homer starts

    Bart: This is an expensive-looking airplane.
    Homer: And just in time. I've been looking for a classy place to pee behind.

    Task: : Make Homer Pee Behind Planebot
    Time: 1h
    Location: Plane Bot

    Robots in the Skies Pt. 2

    Homer starts

    Homer: It was an honest mistake. I thought you were an old junk heap.
    Plane Bot: NOW I'M REALLY ANNOYED. I was going to give a boon to mankind, the secrets to eternal prosperity and peace...
    Plane Bot: But now I'm going to kick your humanoid heinies. Prepare to be destroyed!
    Bart: Get in line. We've already been attacked by robots and aliens. Plus doofus here blew us all to smithereens.
    Plane Bot: I will not be ignored. I'm a planeformer, and I deserve respect!

    Task: Tap Planebot to Shut Him Up

    Tourists Upsell

    Auto starts on March 7th

    Tourist: Three tickets to get the hell out of here, please.
    Wiggum: Sorry, the new government doesn't allow undocumented immigrants to use the airport.
    Japanese Female Tourist: We're American! We're only dressed like this because we're on vacation.
    Wiggum: Sounds like wall-jumper talk to me!
    Tourist: We're from Wisconsin!
    Wiggum: Wiscon-stan? So you're from the Middle East?
    Tourist: No, the Midwest. Ay carumba!
    System Message: Looks like these immigrants are here to stay, get them in the store and give them the jobs no one else wants.
    Wiggum: Strike three!
    Permanent Vacation

    Auto starts

    Task: Make Tourist Staycate in France
    Time: 4h
    Task: Make Tourist Staycate in Japan
    Time: 8h
    Task: Make Tourist Staycate in Brazil
    Time: 12h