Forum Discussion

Botiacelli8's avatar
11 years ago

EA please don't ever do these 2 things Again

Botiacelli8 wrote:
2. You killed my corn! 70 days down and only 20 left. I don't even need the in game cash but now I will likely never finish growing the corn, extremely annoying. I'm guessing it was wiped to highlight brandide. People would have been put off purchasing her to finish their corn. By wiping it and introducing a new mechanic yielding additional characters they in effect gave her a huge promotion while punishing players that don't want her.

This doesn't make any sense. They never pushed Brandine at all. The first quest is for the event's storyline, which prompted to have the farm clear. You did finish growing it. Basically it eliminated the 20 days left automatically. You still see the corn icon, still tap on it, and still receive 45k + XP. So it still counts that you grew it, you just got it 20 days early. If you are that upset then plant it when the event is over, or whenever you want.