Forum Discussion

chrisdirai146's avatar
8 years ago

Event premiums randomly released

I dont like this newer random premium release business. It used to be we got a bunch of premiums released at the same time and we could pick and choose what we wanted to spend our donuts on. Occasionally they'd add an extra premium or a Gil deal but we had a pretty good idea what was going to be offered as a limited release during an event. Add to that, they've locked out poor LPNINTENDO from being able to read those files so we cant even get a heads up. (It almost goes without saying how much LP's help is missed!).

So I did a quick check of my Google Play wallet history and wouldn't you know I've been freemium since 3/25/2016! I can attribute that to two things: First, I make more than enough donuts buying and selling rat trap trucks with the level 939 bonus and the XP multiplier. The second reason is this random releasing of premium items over the course of 40+ days in any given event. Where I used to grab up a bunch of premiums at once and pay RL $$$ to get instant donut reserves. I now simply choose not to get items because of the 'there might be something better coming' factor. In most cases, even with the last minute bring all the event premiums back for one last chance, I've already lost interest or spent the donuts on something else or out of spite, just passed on spending donuts period. I have been much more critical and strategic in choosing the few premiums that I find worthy of adding to my town now a days. I feel like I'm the Whale that got away! Too bad for EA, I was spending ummm... $300ish dollars a year on average prior to this past year.

Was wondering how others felt about this topic and if it has affected your premium status or spending habits?