Forum Discussion

EldarOfSuburbia's avatar
9 years ago

Formless Terrors

I love dropping them! unfortunately its been about 2-3 days since i did neighbour visits, but all will be resumed tomorrow evening!
  • I really only do neighbor visits every few days. I collect a lot of terrors and then dump several in my neighbors' towns. If they're forum neighbors, I tend to drop more. :)
  • Im dropping as many terrors as the town can hold but not always tapping nightmares. Its very difficult / time consuming to get through many neighbors for this event, but also not that mutually beneficial.
  • I'm finding that the amount of terrors that are able to be active in each town is causing a bottleneck. Max 10 per town maybe? Sometimes I visit a friend that I can drop 10 terrors, drop one, then someone has already dropped the other 9 so quickly that I can't drop any more. If you don't clear them, in you know... 5 minutes, no one else will be able to drop them. They need to increase the number that can be "Active" in each town. Trying to do friend visits and drop blobs, but all have zero room to drop. Hmmm....

    I find that it's trying to follow each blob you dropped to its location. So if your friend has a vast road network, this will take a lot of time going back and forth. I've removed all my roads and made a sort of "plaza" so dropping will be faster, and the nightmares tend to congregate there for easy tapping.
  • they are called wobly bobs, and yea, dropping them is a pain, especially because I crash after 15 neighbor visits every time. I drop here and there, I try to get forum members
  • I will never understand why the developers think camera control is something cool. it is just useless I can't stand not having control of my game. I have to sit there and look for every single terror goes I really don't care to be honest
  • Snakeyees wrote:
    I will never understand why the developers think camera control is something cool. it is just useless I can't stand not having control of my game. I have to sit there and look for every single terror goes I really don't care to be honest

    I agree this adds an significant amount of time when dropping formless terrors.

    I've slacked off the last few days, but I like spamming my neighboreenos with terrors. I don't have a crashing problem when visiting my 90+ neighboreenos, but it takes a lot more time than normal to load a neighbor's town.

    I've stopped collecting from neighbor's towns. Event currency is plentiful enough, and finding three snakes/rabbits can take so long to find, that I just don't bother.
  • tyabolical wrote:
    So if your friend has a vast road network, this will take a lot of time going back and forth. I've removed all my roads and made a sort of "plaza" so dropping will be faster, and the nightmares tend to congregate there for easy tapping.

    This. This will help everyone.

    If you have a 'road plaza' you can go to Krustyland and back and the FTs will re-appear right there.

    If your ' road plaza' is centered around your campfire your Nightmares will appear there when they spawn - and if you have your campfire kids staggered the Nightmares will appear right there when you tap them out. I do 4 kids at a time then count to 30 (or so) and I can tap the Nightmares out without any going into the bank - which makes them drop randomly in your town when they come out of the bank...
  • I'm waiting until I collect enough to make it worth my time. It takes extra long on satellite internet.

    As for the Nightmares: I've dropped to just hunting them down when I need a last few to hit the next upgrade. Sitting in one place does not work in neighbor's towns. I've waited several minutes sometimes, then given up and found them all on the other side of the town like they're avoiding me.