Forum Discussion

Samaranth01's avatar
9 years ago

Concerning formless terrors

Iirc and this works the same as past events, then sending Formless Terrors to neighbors won't benefit them unless they're tapped before they expire (4 hrs or so)... but the sender still receives credit.
  • I know for sure I'm not receiving formless terrors from some friends. I have two IRL friends sitting next to me. I can receive one of their terrors but since the start of the event I've never once received a terror from the other. We have all done the quests to the proper point, and beyond. No amount of waiting around or restarting the game ever gets the terrors to spawn. It's not a limit issue either. The friend I cannot get formless terrors from will be the first one to send them when the dailies roll over and I will still not get them. He gets mine all day long. Furthermore its not just this one friend. I have several online friends with the same problems. Some terrors get through some don't. EA simply has bugs in their system and won't or can't fix them.
  • If a Formless Terror is tapped within the 4 hour period after it's sent you get 4 items in payout. If it's not tapped you get 2.

    My problem is that I have such a hard time finding towns that aren't already full of them. Or worse, just as I tap the drop button I hear a Roar and the button changes from (whatever) to zero. Or I've managed to drop 1 whole FT and as the 'camera' is swinging across town I hear a Roar and the number changes to zero....
  • I just hate the pan-across-town garbage while dropping them. Takes ages to drop terrors in a single town, much less all of them. And, of course, most towns are full already.

    So I've got 800 terrors sitting in my bank because I don't want to deal with it.
  • It would be nice if it just instantly dropped the terror without showing you where it went. Or even if it teleported to the drop site instead of panning.

    But that's just so frustrating.