Speaking personally, this event may keep me playing for a while longer. I was teetering on the edge of boredom, doing the same old things every day but now, there are multiple new challenges - not the least of which is enlarging my monorail (my favorite part of TSTO). I would have liked to have been warned of the huge FREE land area that came with placement of the I&S gate BEFORE placing it as I had used quite a few tokens to acquire (I almost said 'buy') property where I ultimately placed the 'new' Krustyland. And like most players I've used about 90 of 100 tokens just outlining the new land areas that came available in this event with absolutely no hope whatever of being able to eventually acquire all those dozens of plots in the middle top of Springfield. I guess that was EA's intent. Keep us hooked. That said, this may turn out to be my fav all-time event - assuming the bugs get fixed pretty quickly.