Forum Discussion

LuigiSpice's avatar
10 years ago

Game freezing

I think it's been a common thing from what I've seen in the forum. It's been happening more frequently to me in the last few days.
  • Mine has definitely improved since the fix, but I find when I'm home the game works best when I'm not on Wi-Fi.
  • This is painfully time consuming! I've been having the crash when visiting neighbors since the event. Delete, reinstall and everything. I finally called EA a few days ago, and still no luck. They didn't seem to have any issues on their device, and suggested I try playing on another one myself. I am playing on an iPhone6 plus, and do not think for a moment that this is the cause. But that was all the EA rep could come up with.

    The thing that seems to help is wait until the currency clears, Collect and absolutely no rising currency text. Then forward or backward arrow to visit another Springfield. No guarantees with that method, it still crashes after a while. That only seems to get through a few neighbor visits than rushing through without waiting to collect. I also tried disconnecting tracks from all my stations, that made no difference. I really HOPE EA fixes this bug.
  • matulaboola wrote:
    This is painfully time consuming! I've been having the crash when visiting neighbors since the event. Delete, reinstall and everything. I finally called EA a few days ago, and still no luck. They didn't seem to have any issues on their device, and suggested I try playing on another one myself. I am playing on an iPhone6 plus, and do not think for a moment that this is the cause. But that was all the EA rep could come up with.

    The thing that seems to help is wait until the currency clears, Collect and absolutely no rising currency text. Then forward or backward arrow to visit another Springfield. No guarantees with that method, it still crashes after a while. That only seems to get through a few neighbor visits than rushing through without waiting to collect. I also tried disconnecting tracks from all my stations, that made no difference. I really HOPE EA fixes this bug.

    Until/If EA does something about this, my guess is that you need to free up some RAM. There are a number of articles on the web that talk about how. For example, google "iphone-6-1gb-ram-problem.htm".

    I have an older Galaxy Samsung Tablet, and only having 1 GB RAM is an issue for me also. I freed up as much RAM as I could and it helped. I still cannot connect track to my station and some neighbor towns freeze on me.

    Good luck!
  • elmalynn wrote:
    Do you have your monorail stations attached to any tracks? If yes, then try moving the track away so the train won't move.

    This is what I had to do to get the freezing to stop. Eventually I'll deal with this, for now I am just getting through the event.[/quote

    THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! First time playing on my term's in a while only 20k away from the last prize if i grind it out ill get it.
  • mathumster385 wrote:
    Chivalrous42 wrote:

    As for friend visits, I find I almost always freeze if I tap a third item in a neighbor's town. As long as I stick to two each I'm almost always ok. And even if I go back to the town later to grab the third, it still causes problems.

    ^ Exactly this happens to me too. :(

    While I occasionally froze in friend's town without the monorail running. For me the town's I would freeze in had the monorail running.

    To avoid freezing I would have to quickly navigate away from the monorail so it was off screen. Then I could tap 3 items.

    I'm pretty sure in order to have the monorail running we can't get away with older devices anymore. I just upgraded and I'm not seeing any of the issues I was before. Doesn't matter if a monorail is running now on friend visits.

    I've also taken Neglecterino's advice and disabled/stopped all applications (bloatware, non system apps) that I won't use on the device. TSTO and system apps are the only thing running.

    ETA: Another couple things I did while freezing that helped:
    - store all NPCs
    - keep characters on indoor tasks where possible
    - clear buildings of cash before trying to free up characters at recycling centres
    - move all pics/music etc. to external card or off device/phone memory
    - uninstall any downloaded apps you no longer use

    Basically try to reduce animations as much as possible and free up memory. Lag was reduced a fair amount for me if buildings/tasks were clear and characters not related to the event were indoors.