Forum Discussion

Ar73m15's avatar
11 years ago

Game is constantly crashing... :(

I find that when this begins happening, a simple shutdown and restart of my device takes care of it. The same thing was happening since the update on the 26th, crashing every couple of minutes. After the shutdown and restart today I got through all of my neighbors without any crashing.
  • Pretty much EVERY time this happens it got more to do with the players device than the game. Usually it's a shortage of ram and/or disk.

    Remove unused apps
    Back up / move photos & videos to your PC or backup disk

    Reboot again for good measure.

    All should now be ok.
  • Great advice above.

    If you don't already know how, learn how to check your device to see how much RAM is free before launching TSTO.

    Mine has 9 GB free, and still crashes once or twice while visiting my 100 friends. Of course, I'm L42 as are many of them, so more memory is needed.

  • On my phone it crashes often, but much less after I put around 10 people in tasks, which BTW it takes 3 or 4 restarts. Removing music and sound also helped.
  • check the bugs and issues forum, there were quite a few ppl that were having problems but EA did a few small udpates recently, and it cleared up mine, as well as others. if its still acting funny, I would E-Mail them with your problem, including your Device and information.