Forum Discussion

chrisgyo's avatar
9 years ago

important question about the National Park

From what I can see the pics of the park are the same one is just rotated, I have mine in the same layout as your first pic.
  • The second picture also includes Springfield Falls (lower falls) and the park is rotated. I suspect the second falls are the source of your confusion.
  • no no, the confusion is the dirt path that comes out of the National the first pic it is a path that comes out onto a road, but the 2nd pic (screenshot of someones town) it has just a circular patch of dirt
  • you're right wth. if you hold it in edit mode you can see the different road too. O_o they changed it afterwards it seems
  • Sorry about that - was looking at my SF and didn't see the full pic you posted - too lazy to scroll. :oops:

    Anyway, the good news is that, in my SF anyway, the patch of dirt is circular in both orientations. Funny thing is, when you have it selected in edit mode, it shows the path opening up like the top pic, but when it's placed it looks like the bottom. :?:
  • LPNintendoITA wrote:
    you're right wth. if you hold it in edit mode you can see the different road too. O_o they changed it afterwards it seems

    it's strange...I went to buy it, and as I was placing it I noticed the road, which I do not want

    so is there a road or not :?

    on screenshots there isn't, but when I go to place it there is
  • They must have got confused about its function. I think the dirt patch is only for Teddy to shoot from. It's not a dirt road to go up on in any other way, story-wise. So they probably fixed the "road" during beta but it got left in during some parts. EA, gotta love their QA. :mrgreen:
  • checked the edit feature dig what your saying, however i always felt it was more of a "cliff" if you tap the park sometimes a raccoon will jump off a tree into the unknown abyss (as that is apparently better than being caught by Teddy)

    Honestly i dont question it, it Bought it for Teddy Roosevelt, anything else is just a bonus.