I am not trying to kill your buzz man. But you and all of the other players that are not getting all of the game currency need to learn how to play this game. I work 8 to 9 hours a day and can not get in to my game during that time as much as I want. but have still I got what I needed to proceed to the next point. You can not get buy with just logging on 1 or 2 times a day. This is an game that during an event you need to log on about every 2 to 3 hours a day and tap like hell what you need to tap. All it takes is a few min log on tap your town and log out. When you at home pick an time to visit friends and do it at that time. And also when at home while looking at TV, listing to music, or even hanging out with you family just take a few minutes and tap out. Again man I am mot trying to sound like as butt. Peace out and good luck with you game.