Forum Discussion

genegenie82's avatar
11 years ago

Lag Apologies

genegenie82 wrote:
The lag is so exceptionally bad that it's taking me over half an hour now to just set character tasks. .

Putting characters on tasks makes the lag worse.
  • I'd like to "anti-apologize"

    I've always visited everyone i can every day, sometimes several times if necessary to collect all three handshakes.

    And i have been leaving my buildings uncollected longer to let more tappable items be available.

    But i have deleted some neighbors who either aren't visiting, have nothing to tap after a few days, or their town keeps crashing my game.

    But I don't think an apology is warranted here. It's only a game and the lag is EA's fault, not ours. And i don't take it personally if someone rotates me out. We are all part of the TSTO community whether we are neighbors or not.

    So Please add or delete me without worry. You can even readd me. No stress from each other when we get enough from EA, thanks.

    Happy tapping!
  • dave3490 wrote:
    So, again, to my neighbours and forum friends, i apologise for not visiting last night, the game is becoming fastly unplayable as it currently stands. Not so many problems in my town now lagging wise, but it's still there, again, around that landing zone. I will always try and clear handshakes at least once a day though

    No apologies necessary. I got a donut in your town yesterday :D
  • I have also noticed that if your landing zone has lots of characters or lots of animations, the game will lag.

    I ended up redesigning my town so all of my buildings are on the outside perimeter and I only keep generic houses in the landing zone. This allows neighbors easier tapping and keeps the lag down. I also moved decorations with animations to the outside also.

    Yes, it kind of makes my SF look a bit like a house farm, but I would rather reduce lag for my neighbors rather than having a town with a clever design that takes 2-3 minutes to tap and clear because of animations and characters. I will redecorate after the lag issue is fixed!
  • I put away the pub/Tom O'Flanagan's, and lag in my town pretty much disappeared. Except over Squidport. Then noticed it got especially slow when I was on Squidport right over Kang. Put Kang in storage, and no lag anymore. Brought Kang back out, set the Victorian spaceship on Squidport to draw him/her there with the Evil Chortle task, and Squidport got really slow again.

    Sorry, Tom and Kang. If you're gonna cause me grief, you're gonna stay in the box.

    I have lots of neighbors with lots of decoration, but only a few lag. But haven't paid attention to see whether all my laggy neighbors have lots of decorations.

    I keep Brandine , Hank, and Arnie outdoors and untasked. The game assigns them random outdoor tasks for visitors, and invariably from my feeders I see Brandine and Hank firing weapons and Arnie up in the sky.
  • I started playing the game on Bluestacks after the easter update. At first i thought it was Bluestacks that ran the game like crap. But i went ahead and updated the game on my son's iPad where i played the game. I saw that it wasn't Bluestacks, the game flows like a clogged toilet.

    It's almost unplayable for me. I think i'll just stick to the family guy game until they fix this mess. I noticed the lag gets bad around the mini golf thing.
  • dave3490 wrote:
    The first one, the decorations, we all know EA have explained in their warnings when someone reaches the 4500 limit it may cause older devices playing the game to become unstable. EA, PLEASE reduce that limit to something like 2500 and then prevent it going over that limit to make gameplay better for people on older devices

    You're kidding, right?

    Oh...wait, you're serious.


    So you want EA to appeal to players with old devices and almost cut the decoration limit in half to do so, thereby penalizing people who've taken the time and put in the effort to nicely decorate their town, as well as people with newer devices which can easily handle the larger data amounts of towns with lots of buildings, characters, and decorations.

    Yeah, that's not going to happen, nor should it. If you don't want your game to lag or crash, try buying a new device.
  • DIrishB wrote:
    If you don't want your game to lag or crash, try buying a new device.

    First of all, my nexus tablet is two months old, and lags and crashes more than my first gen kindle fire. If anything, old devices with lower screen resolution handle the frame rate issues better.

    Second of all, not everyone can afford shiny new devices and boatloads of donuts. I don't know why you have such trouble understanding that.