Ellan, you win the internet for today with that avie! Aliens! I haven't received a basket in over two days, I have a faberge egg, and I have lost all hope on the gold items and the Blocko store. I have only received three gold egg baskets so far and two of the three have been the bleh pastel fences. I am working waaaay too hard to earn a basket, only to get fences. And I am online most of the day! Level 40 player with 90 -100 neighbors. Most of my neighbors are no longer doing the Easter egg hunt nor would leave eggs (when I had baskets). It took over two days for me to get enough pink eggs (I am a blue common egg person) to exchange for a prize, only to get yet more blasted fences. Sure, 15 donuts is welcome 99% of the time, but not at the expense of limited time only prizes! Seriously EA (or Aliens.. whoever is doing this to us), please try to make this event FUN and worthy of all the work that we are putting in! I did purchase the wonderful cat lady (that is an absolute must-have!) and have even purchased baskets as well - just way too much work for very little payback. (no baskets appearing at ALL, unfair egg exchanges, neighbors that gave up, not enough egg-earning characters, ridiculous odds, and EA not listening to feedback).