Forum Discussion

nstanger91's avatar
12 years ago

My Town

What a nice, orderly town.

I can't help you with the stitching though, I put my screenshots together manually in photoshop. Didn't like the way the auto programs kept shadowing things and making big holes everywhere.

I think others have had success with these programs and may be able to help you out.
  • Was this your 1st attempt? Cos if it was thats wicked 1st attempt bro :D I havent even tried doing this :lol: so i have no idea how hard it is but i know.....i could not to as well as that lol :mrgreen:

    Very nice town bro :)

    Although arent you poisioning the kids with the power plant next door LOL :mrgreen:
  • Haha yes :-) only until I get more land, then the power plant is going on its own island :-)
  • NeoSEC28 wrote:
    Was this your 1st attempt? Cos if it was thats wicked 1st attempt bro :D I havent even tried doing this :lol: so i have no idea how hard it is but i know.....i could not to as well as that lol :mrgreen:

    Very nice town bro :)

    Although arent you poisioning the kids with the power plant next door LOL :mrgreen:

    HA HA

    I didn't even notice that!

    I was just dazzled with how neat and orderly everything was. It made my OCD happy!

    I did just notice, on second looks, that there is a nice little community set up around the hospital for the nurses and doctors to use. Have to have a place for them to rest when they have their 24 hour shifts. Very considerate city planner LOL. I don't know if that was the intention but it's what I see and I like it.
  • lissarv68 wrote:
    NeoSEC28 wrote:
    Was this your 1st attempt? Cos if it was thats wicked 1st attempt bro :D I havent even tried doing this :lol: so i have no idea how hard it is but i know.....i could not to as well as that lol :mrgreen:

    Very nice town bro :)

    Although arent you poisioning the kids with the power plant next door LOL :mrgreen:

    HA HA

    I didn't even notice that!

    I was just dazzled with how neat and orderly everything was. It made my OCD happy!

    I did just notice, on second looks, that there is a nice little community set up around the hospital for the nurses and doctors to use. Have to have a place for them to rest when they have their 24 hour shifts. Very considerate city planner LOL. I don't know if that was the intention but it's what I see and I like it.

    Yes it was :) Brown houses for all the staff :)
  • I can see that you are missing a few parts. And second there are a few mistakes. Especialy the graveyard area.
    Did you take all screenshots in one session? It is important to do that, because if you have to go back for pickup shots, you will always have a difference in zoomlevel. I have done dozens already, and if you've missed a spot, it's very difficult to get a good allignement.
    It's also best to start with a corner, and then stich onto that. Try to zoom in, to get the best possible fit.
    First panorama I did, took more than two hours (had half the land at that time). Now with all the land purchased, all buildings and a lot of decorations, it takes me less than one hour.
    Try and try again. Good luck.
  • Yes I took them all in one session :-) I am working in version 2 right now :-) hopefully will get that up soon if not it should be after work at 10 tonight
  • nicolesump wrote:
    I had a go with mine (please excuse the lack of everything, it's my second Springfield and I've had to start over :() ..I can't wait to try mine out again when I get back to where I was on my old one building wise... :evil:
  • Ill be honest, now I've seen mine in full, (version 2 to be uploaded later, it's much better than above) it actually looks better than I thought :-)