Forum Discussion

gloryhorn87's avatar
12 years ago

Nope! Wrong! That was Not the update!

because nothing is perfect ... jejejeje
  • jasonicus321 wrote:
    Because EA's sole lot in life is to anger you.

    I'm not angry, Just disappointed.
  • angering people was on EA's schedule today so whoever pushed the angry button will be getting a raise

  • xDaft_Punk wrote:
    Nope! Wrong! EA never said there was going to be an update!

    There's going to have to be others people will be getting notifications everyday about there coins to collect! (What coins?) EXACTLY!
  • GLORYHORN87 wrote:
    If it was the update then why is it still sending me notifications to collect Santa coins?

    For the same reason people get motivations it has been a long time since they played, within seconds of exiting the game?
  • I hate to say I told you so...but wait no I love saying it! I TOLD YOU SO!

    Suck it non update doubters (xdaft_punk) sucks to be you right now!
  • It was always going to come! I've been dealing with e.a since I was a very little child they will screw where screw can.