8 years ago
Osaka Flu Captures Tourists
You may not have noticed yet, but your flu cloud WILL eventually capture a tourist. When it does, it highlights the cloud on your Osaka Flu screen (where you buy rewards, etc.). So before you hit the Tourist Information Center and auto mega tap all of your tourists at once, check your Osaka Flu screen. you might find a flu fogged tourist for higher rewards. As you get Two or more flu clouds, the pins and sky credits mulitply on the flu cloud captured tourists. Not sure if the Tourist Information Center will give you the extra flu cloud bonus.
Also consider leaving tourists meanering around your screen for longer periods. It's hard not to tap them, but as the game progresses, it could mean much faster increase in rewards if you wait for a flu cloud to engulf them.
Also consider leaving tourists meanering around your screen for longer periods. It's hard not to tap them, but as the game progresses, it could mean much faster increase in rewards if you wait for a flu cloud to engulf them.