Forum Discussion

josebot533's avatar
8 years ago

Petition Time Again

I think it's time for us to voice our frustration with the way EA is treating us with their new bundle idea.

I like that newer players, cheaper players & frugal players have the opportunity to get some premium items on the cheap but it shouldn't be JUST FOR THEM. Freedom the hawk & the presidential estate was bundled together and they didn't offer us who had the house freedom. They could've bundled the 2 together & offered the hawk & house separately. The new players get 2 for the discount, we get our hawk or house.

This Halloween is even worse. New players get bundles worth 200-300 donuts for 100-200 but anyone with one of the items in these bundles miss out on everything. Like before, if you have none of the items give them the discount but don't exclude us. I don't have a ghost zapper, I'd buy one or two. I don't have any of the Halloween ghouls (last year tappables) but they're all (or most) bundled. Burns monster I'll be excluded from because I have devil Flanders.

If you agree sign here. We've had some luck in the past.