Forum Discussion

4junk3000's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Poll: is Lard Lad left handed or right handed?

Or, ambidextrous?

Since i don't know how to do polls on this new forum platform, I'll just tell you.

LL is a....

Here's some details i noticed about the big guy.

In the original design, he was given two unique sides. Using the pattern of variation since, we're able to determine that the original feature has its planter box edge on the LEFT EDGE.

And when you turn it, it actually turns clockwise 90°. You can tell because his right elbow disappears behind him. In both original designs, he holds the donut in his LEFT hand.

(refer to the farthest left stores in the image below)

The Church of LL, the first variation of the store, follows this pattern. It rotates clockwise and he holds the donut in his LEFT hand.

BUT, apparently the artists got lazier over time. Because in the NEW LL, and in this event's RUINED LL, while both their original orientations match all others, with the planter box edge on the left; it does not rotate. It mirror flips on the vertical axis.

So not only does the planter box move to the mirror position, his whole body does, making him appear right handed. They ignored it, took a shortcut, and only corrected the text on the donut!


But, it does at least give a slightly alternative option for placement. (Silver lining)
But also, NONE of which are the orientation shown in the opening credits. The guy stands on the other side of the shop, closer to the CBG's store.

And that's why i noticed this, because having my town designed like the show's sequence, I've been hoping to make him stand in the appropriate position. No dice.

Now you knoooooow....