Forum Discussion

stinkbugger's avatar
9 years ago

premium mystery box question...

That is a very interesting pattern! I find that I get a cycle of 3 freemium prizes followed by 2 or 3 premium items whenever I have purchased or been awarded mystery boxes. But, I've never noticed a pattern as to what I receive (except almost never the 30 donuts!).

My last set I was awarded during different daily challenge cycles gave me Chalmer's Onda, minnow pond, and khav khalash stand (not sure which order). So then I purchased 3 mystery boxes for donuts, and I got (in this order): Lard Lads Donuts (my 5th), Itchy & Scratchy billboard (2% multiplier, yay!), and 30 donuts (WHAT?! :D )!

Anyway, if you do purchase more, it would be interesting if your pattern continues.
  • stinkbugger wrote:
    So I just started using some extra donuts to buy mystery boxes in an attempt to increase my multiplier.

    It seems to just cycle through the same order of prizes, is this how it's supposed to work? Where's the mystery there?!

    I get: Minnow, 30 donuts, Lard, Bomb, Billboard, Stand, Car, Van

    I've gotten this exact order four times now.

    So that's a net of spending 18 donuts to get 3% multiplier. I guess this is a slightly better rate than buying normal items. Should I keep going?!

    If all you care about is getting the most multiplier for the fewest donuts, yes. You will end up with a lot of news vans and billboards. I just put them in the SH section to get them out of the way.
  • stinkbugger wrote:
    So I just started using some extra donuts to buy mystery boxes in an attempt to increase my multiplier.

    It seems to just cycle through the same order of prizes, is this how it's supposed to work? Where's the mystery there?!

    I get: Minnow, 30 donuts, Lard, Bomb, Billboard, Stand, Car, Van

    I've gotten this exact order four times now.

    So that's a net of spending 18 donuts to get 3% multiplier. I guess this is a slightly better rate than buying normal items. Should I keep going?!

    There is no pattern, but for short stints it can appear that there is.

    That's way better than just "slightly better". The best decoration that you can buy will give you 1% less for 12 donuts more.

    Buying mystery boxes is definitely the best way to increase your multiplier.
  • wiedmannaj wrote:
    There is no pattern, but for short stints it can appear that there is.

    Define "short stint".

    I just did another "cycle" and got the same pattern for the fifth time in a row, although this time I sadly only got 10 donuts instead of 30:

    Minnow, 10, Lard, Bomb, Billboard (1%), Stand, Car, Van (2%)

  • Again if you just want multiplier you probably want to continue. Pattern or no pattern, the long term odds favour the mystery box. The alternative is to buy Jet Engine bikes at 2% for 30 donuts.

    From a purely scientific angle, I'd really like to see how long this patter keeps up for you!
  • I think the worst I've done has been 10% for 120 donuts - which is still a better payout than the rocket cycles.

    I've given it up though. Paying donuts to make donuts faster seems such a waste (of course my multiplier is 280% now, so I'm not doing too bad). Instead I'm buying things I actually want to improve my multiplier - like the rocket car and Springfield gorge. The pay out is way lower, but I'd rather have the gorge than 10 more news vans.
  • anaquarind wrote:
    From a purely scientific angle, I'd really like to see how long this patter keeps up for you!

    I just ran the cycle for the 6th time and got the same pattern, but like last time I only got 10 donuts instead of thirty. :cry:

    So if I added correctly I think I got 18% for a net cost of 148 donuts.

    Johnny2bd wrote:
    Paying donuts to make donuts faster seems such a waste (of course my multiplier is 280% now, so I'm not doing too bad). Instead I'm buying things I actually want to improve my multiplier - like the rocket car and Springfield gorge. The pay out is way lower, but I'd rather have the gorge than 10 more news vans.

    Same here. But chatter on this board convinced me to buy some boxes to up my multiplier. I was at 150-something recently and now I'm at nearly 190%. Once I reach 200% I think I'll stop with the boxes. I usually spend donuts on buildings/characters so my multiplier hasn't grown much. And with tennis courts and wailing walls I got spoiled so it feels silly to spend 40 donuts for 2%.
  • Maybe the mystery box sequence that you are getting started when they brought out the daily challenge as before that it was definitely more random than that as I got the same item such as the Onda 2 weeks on the trot when we got one every week, I also only ever got the 10 donuts prize twice during the whole time it was the weekly game and never won the 30 donuts prize, it might be that I was extremely unlucky with donuts but I've got enough Onda's to set up several dealerships lol.